Good Morning Parrots, Puffins and Penguins!
As you were thinking about tigers yesterday we thought you might want to take a special trip to the LIVE TIGER WEBCAM from Edinburgh Zoo! Click here to see if you can find the tiger hiding in the enclosure! Let us know if you spot them!
Friday is a very special day. We are going to be celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE day! VE day stands for ‘Victory in Europe’ and we will be remembering when World War 2 ended in Europe. In tomorrow’s post you will find some activities to help you to get ready to celebrate this wonderful day with your families.
Have fun!
From the Year R Teachers
English –
Do you remember where our journey in the hot air balloon took us? What is it like there? How is it different to our last adventure in the United Kingdom visiting a castle?
Listen to today’s story read to you by Mrs Rushton. It is called “Walking through the jungle”.
Watch this video clip about the rainforest up to 2min30s. click here to open.
Listen to the jungle sounds clip below again. Can you close your eyes and try to imagine being in the jungle? Talk to your grown up about what you might see. Imagine walking through the sweltering, hot, shadowy jungle. You can see enormous trees with huge, thick trunks and large, wet, green leaves.
Today you are going to write about walking through the jungle. Can you describe what it might be like? Think about what you might see, hear, feel and smell and talk to your grown up to plan what you might like to write.
Here is an example of what I think it might be like in the jungle.
Guidance for helping your child to write – click here.
Don’t forget your sound mat – click here.
Read about the stages of pencil grip development – click here.
Today we are going to be meeting our next Numberblock … Numberblock 16! We are going to find out all about Numberblock 16 and we will be finding out that “10 and 6 more make 16”. We will also be exploring how Numberblock 16 gets cut in half and is made up of lots of his Numberblock friends.
Click here to watch the episode
Remember to use your 20 frame to help you.
See you tomorrow for some more Square Number fun! (Actually, 16 will have to wait until next week children as you have some different activities to do tomorrow for VE Day and then Friday is a Bank Holiday!)
There are two options for your third activity today.
OPTION 1: Building a Jungle Hideout
Can you make a jungle den or hideout?
You can either make one big enough for you to get into, or you could make a model of one using lego, duplo or any other construction blocks you have.

OPTION 2: Snakes!
Watch out, if you walk through the jungle, a snake might slither out of the trees above and surprise you! Can you use your fabulous cutting skills to cut out a spiral snake like this?
You can either print out a template – click here to download, or a grown up can draw one on a piece of paper like this:
Colour in or draw patterns on your snake before you cut it out. Look at the different patterns below that snakes scales make.
Cut it out carefully, starting from the outside. Remember to hold the paper steady with your free hand. Check you are holding the scissors correctly too, using the right fingers. Check the picture below for the correct scissor grip.

Video Resources
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