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Year R – Monday 4th May

Good Morning Parrots, Puffins and Penguins!

Hope you all had a nice weekend and are looking forward to our next adventure. We are back off in our hot air balloons today and this time travelling across the Atlantic Ocean – I wonder what we might see if looked down?

Have a great day Year R! 

From the Year R Teachers

English – Rainforest Fact Finding

It’s time to go up up and away in our hot air balloon again! Click on the Google Earth icon below to begin today’s journey.

Click above to open Google Earth 

Grown-ups – Display Google Earth zoomed in on Bodiam castle where we visited last time.  Wave goodbye to the castle and to the UK. Now search for the Amazon River, Brazil. Off we go in our hot air balloon!

This is the Amazon River in Brazil, South America.  It is the second longest river in the whole world!  Have a look at the map below. Can you follow the river across South America?

When you look with Google Earth, what is all the green around the river?  This is the Amazon Rainforest!  Search on Google Earth for the Amazon Rainforest.  The Amazon Rainforest is the world’s largest tropical forest. Look at the map below to see how much of South America it covers.  Zoom in on Google Earth slowly and notice how the green brocolli looking bumps become treetops as you get closer!  Now zoom out to see how big the rainforest is.  Look at the surrounding area – can you see roads / buildings etc? What do you think it might be like in this place in the world?  How does it different to where we live? What animals do you think might live here?

A map showing how much of South America is covered by the Amazon Rainforest and the length of Amazon River.

Next read the slides together and then see if you can find some facts to help you answer the rainforest animal questions.  

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Can you name a creature that you would find in the following areas:

  • the tree tops?
  • in the tree branches?
  • on the forest floor?

What is a predator?

Why are they good at hunting?

How do prey animals stop themselves from being eaten?

What would you prefer to be: a predator or a prey animal? Why?

What do flying squirrels eat?

Why are tree frogs brightly coloured?

Why is a tapir like an elephant?

Maths – 

Use the slides below to help you with today’s maths. Today’s Numberblocks episode can be found here.

Jungle Music

Listen to the clip of jungle sounds below.  What can you hear? Which creatures can you hear?

Now listen to the clip of some jungle drumming.

These drums are called bongos and are played using just your hands like this: 

Can you find objects around your house that you could use as a drum? Maybe a box, upside down pot, pan or plastic bowl?

Set them up all together and see if you can make your own jungle music! Can you drum out any repeating patterns?

Jungle Sounds
Jungle Bongo Beats

Video Resources

Today’s story is Day Monkey, Night Monkey and is read to you by Mrs Mitchell.

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Bye for now!