Good Morning Year 4!
It sounds like many of you enjoyed your first day learning some new vocabulary and about the Earth’s layers. Today, you will build on that knowledge and be finding out lots more about Earthquakes. Your learning in English will help you out when designing your ‘Earthquake proof’ house in Design Technology.
Maths – Halves and quarters
Today in Maths, we are making special links between decimals and fractions. You will need to use all your learning from the last few weeks but it will really help you understand some ideas you knew about already. Here is the White Rose link to help you understand the questions.
Daily Maths Challenge
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard is started a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page on the school website where she will upload a new set of challenges everyday. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
English – Understanding Earthquakes
Earthquakes can be a tricky subject to understand so we have suggested the following videos to help you to learn about how and why Earthquakes form. Once you have watched them, see if you can answer the questions attached. A clue is that the answers will come up in order in the videos!
Video 1 –
Video 2 –
You can learn a little more about tectonic plates in the Design and Technology video lesson!
Design Technology – Design (and maybe create!) your own ‘Earthquake proof’ building
In the Youtube video below, you will build on what you learned this morning in English as Miss Goddard will look at the tectonic plates in a bit more detail and discuss buildings which are built in Earthquake prone areas. If you make your building, don’t forget to take a picture before you test it in case it collapses! Why not try a family challenge and see who can make the strongest building?

Video Resources
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