Good Morning Year 4!
We hope you had a lovely weekend,
Today is our first day learning about Earthquakes and Volcanoes. In order to understand them properly, it’s important that you learn some technical topic words in today’s English task and then gain an understanding of the Earth’s structure in Geography. There is a lot to learn in this project, and each day your knowledge and understanding will grow. You will be experts on Earthquakes and Volcanoes before you know it! Have a watch of the Youtube video where Miss Goddard will talk a little about your new project as well as explain today’s English and Topic work.
The standard of work has been incredibly high considering that many of you are learning from home – it’s lovely that you have continued to take pride in your work and we are very proud of you. We will update our Year 4 Homepage to show off your wonderful week as the week progresses.
If you haven’t sent us any work in the last couple of weeks, we would be grateful if you could send us at least one piece this week so that we are able to praise the children for their efforts.
Many thanks
Miss Goddard, Miss Hardy and Mrs Happy
Maths – Rounding Decimals
This week in Maths we will continue our work on decimals moving onto how they work with money towards the end f the week. During this lesson you will be thinking about rounding decimal numbers. It is important to remember our rule: ‘0 – 4 stay on the floor, 5 – 9 climb the vine’ as this rule applies for rounding decimals as well as whole numbers. The lesson uses number lines, if you are not able to print the sheets out, maybe you could make your own number line with some string and home made number cards! There is some new vocabulary during this lesson, you are introduced to the word integer which means ‘whole number’. Watch the video carefully as you have a go at the work. This week the White Rose videos are in week 2. Today’s lesson is Summer 1, Week 2, Lesson 1.
Daily Maths Challenge
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard is started a ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page on the school website where she will upload a new set of challenges everyday. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
English – Creating a Visual Dictionary
In school, when we start a new project, we often create a visual dictionary when introducing new vocabulary to children. Our unit on Volcanoes and Earthquakes will be using some technical vocabulary so this lesson will help children to start understanding and familiarising with some of that vocabulary. Watch the Youtube video where this task will be explained.
For each word, they will need to draw a picture to represent what the word means (like a picture dictionary!). If you don’t know the meaning of a word, then you could ask an adult, use a dictionary or even ‘Google’ what it means!
Your pictures don’t have to be detailed; they can be a quick pencil sketch but of course, if you wanted to add colour and make it look artistic then you can. Remember, once you are finished, you can keep referring back to this throughout the next 3 weeks.
Geography – What’s inside our Earth?
We know what’s inside an apple and what’s inside an orange but I wonder – what’s inside the Earth?

Luckily, scientists do know and it is your job to find out today. We would like you to either draw or a print a cross section of the Earth and then label it by hand. Some of the following words may be helpful for your when you are labelling. You might not need to use all of them, but the more you use the more detailed your work will be.
inner core outer inner mantle upper crust liquid solid atmosphere
You may want to use the diagram below to fill in but feel free to draw your own cross section. If you haven’t already, then have a watch of Youtube video where this task will be explained.
Video Resources
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