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Year 1 – Thursday 7th May

Good Morning Year 1

We hope you are keeping safe and well. What has been your favourite activity at home so far? We have loved seeing all the different things you have sent us over email and we are so impressed with all the hard work we are seeing. As Friday 8th May is a Bank Holiday, we will not be posting tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Jamieson would like to read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ to you today! Find it in our ‘Storytime’ section on our home page. How many different pairs of underpants can you spot in the story? 


Thank you for everything you are doing.

Year 1 Team


Today we want you to be a sentence expert! Can you remind someone at home what a sentence is? Take a look at these slides and talk through what a sentence needs to have: Sentences Slides

Then have a go at this activity: English – Thursday 7th May


Finding Half of an Amount:

Today we are going to be carrying on finding half. Can you remember what half means? ‘A half is a whole split into two equal parts.’ Today we are going to be having a go at finding half of an amount. Have a look at the slides here.

After you have looked at the slides have a go at the activity! You can print a halving grid here: Halving Grid

Can you find half of your toy cars? Can you find half of your teddies? Can you find half of your lego bricks? Remember to make sure the parts are equal

While doing your activity have a go at saying the sentence. ‘Half of ___ is ___.’ What can you find out? Can every number be split in half? 

If you would like to continue your learning, have a go at this activity sheet: Finding Half of Amounts – Activity

For those that would like them, you can find challenges here: Finding Half of Amounts – Challenges


Music: This activity requires you to play an MP3 audio clip. Please do not worry if your computer does not support this.

Have a look at the slides and see if you can learn the song Dig Dig Dig: Dig Dig Dig Slides

Audio Clip 1 – Down Go The Seeds

Audio Clip 2 – Dig Dig Dig

Have a fun weekend!