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Year 1 – Monday 11th May

Good Morning Year 1

Dear parents and children,

We hope you are well and have had a lovely weekend. Have you had a look outside today? What is the weather like? We hope there are lots of flowers around for you to look at!

If you’re looking for something extra to do today, log on to Scholastic Reading and choose a book to read. Your teacher has allocated a book for you so you could have a go at that one! You will have been emailed the login details for this previously.

Thank you for your support.

Year 1 Team


Today we are continuing to learn about finding half of an amount. Have a chat with someone at home about what you learnt last week. What is the sentence we remembered? 

‘A half is a whole split into two equal parts.’ 

Last week we looked at sharing a group of objects into two equal groups in order to find half. Today we are going to look at how to find half of an amount using a boxes. Use the slides to talk through this with someone at home: Maths – Finding half of an amount using squares

Have a go at the activity here: Finding Half of Amounts Activity


Today we are focusing on our spelling words for the week. The words we are looking at this week are:








  • Use these slides for ideas on how to practise spelling these words at home: Spelling Slides
  • Here are the activities outlined in the spelling slides if you would like to complete them: Spelling Activities


Computing: Today we are thinking about all the tips we have learnt for staying safe online.

Talk to someone at home about what you use the internet for. Can you remember any tips for staying safe online?






Have a look at the posters linked here for examples: 

Poster 1

Poster 2

Poster 3

Choose one of the tips you know for staying safe and design your own e-safety poster with a tip and an illustration to remind everyone at home how to be safe on the internet. Be as creative as you wish.

We would love to see some of your posters if you are able to take a picture and email it to us!

Helpful Reminders

We are still checking our emails regularly and have loved seeing what you are doing. Feel free to email us if you have a question or just want to say hello at:

You can access our general resources to support your child at home here: Y1 General Resources

BBC Bitesize are providing daily lessons for children on their website. There is no expectation to do these but we may refer to some of their activities in our home learning. You may also find that they have something your child is interested in and would like to learn about. Find the link here: BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

Please do not feel like you have to complete all of the activities provided in one day. We have given a variety so that there are options for you to choose what works best for you at home. The ‘Daily Time Fillers’ section includes some additional activities you could have a go at if you get time but we would not expect you to do more than one of these activities a day.

Read Write Inc are kindly doing live daily phonics sessions. They are at certain times depending on which sounds you would like to practise. We suggest either Set 2 or Set 3 sounds. Find the link here: RWI Phonics

Daily Time Fillers

As well as the learning tasks we upload each day, there are a few ‘extras’ that you could have a go at, if you get time.

  • Read a book. This can be their school reading book, an e-book or a book from home. 
  • Alternatively, you make like to read an ebook from Oxford Owl or Collins Big Cat.
  • Have stories read to them.
  • Read or spell some key words.
  • Read Write Inc speed sound videos (linked in helpful reminders)
  • Practise naming the letters of the alphabet and sing the alphabet song (capital and lower case).
  • Use phonicsplay or phonicsbloom. Phonicsplay has a new website! You’ll need to login with the username: march20 and password: home during this time. We have updated the link here: PhonicsPlay /Phonics Bloom
  • Practise counting from 0-100 (forwards and backwards) or in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
  • One more and one less than a number (pick from 0-50)
  • Numbots (login is in the back of the reading log)
  • Sing a number bonds song or use Hit the Button (number bonds to 10 or 20): Hit the Button link
  • Spelling: Find our previous post with all 300 key words here: Key Words.

We hope you have a great day!