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St Mark’s School is a primary school for children from 4 to 11 years of age. The school opened in September 1996 with 100 children on roll, has had two further phases of building and became a three form entry primary school on completion of the third phase in Autumn 2004. There is also resourced provision for up to seven children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties.

St Mark’s is a Church of England Aided School and has close connections with the Diocese of Winchester and the local parish of St Mark’s, Kempshott and is in the new parish of Immanuel Church, Hatch Warren and Beggarwood. It is a school for the growing community of Hatch Warren including the new development at Beggarwood. We welcome children from a wide variety of cultural and religious backgrounds whose parents wish them to be educated in a Church of England school and who are willing to support the aims and ethos of a church school.

‘A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.’

Proverbs 1: 5

The aims of St. Mark’s CE Primary School are summarised by our Mission Statement‘Growing and Learning Together’.

‘. . . the body does not consist of one member but of many.  

. . . there are many members, yet one body.’

Corinthians 12: 12-26

Our welcoming and caring ethos pervades the whole school. We have strong partnerships between pupils, staff, parents and governors and our open door policy enables us all to work together for the benefit of all children. Our commitment to the children is highlighted in comments from parents:“St. Mark’s is a school that puts children first and fantastic staff encourage them to develop in a happy and safe environment”“Children are praised and encouraged to do their best. There are a wide range of educational experiences for the children and the facilities are excellent.”

 The four Christian values: Faith, Forgiveness, Hope and Love have been carefully chosen in consultation with school stakeholders (pupils, staff and governors) as the 4 key values that we all consider significant. We have decided to depict these values within a cross to represent the school’s strong Christian links with the Church.