Following our inspection in November 2023, we’re pleased to say that we are still officially a good school! Read our November 2023 report here.
Read the report!
Extracts from the Nov 2023 report
- vibrant, supportive and highly ambitious school for all pupils
- pupils are supported by caring and dedicated staff
- there is a buzz and excitement brought about by engaging and well planned learning
- Pupils thrive
- Pupils feel safe and are happy
- Pupils behave brilliantly and they are highly respectful of each other.
- Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school.
- The curriculum is highly ambitious for all, including pupils with SEND.
- They flourish because of the high level of care, clear boundaries and the
nurturing environment they experience - The teaching of early reading, including phonics is a top priority in the school…. This is extremely successful.
- Pupils are supported well to develop beyond their academic learning.
- Governors understand and carry out their roles very effectively. They know the strengths.