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New to St Mark’s? Find out key information here!

Want to join?

To find out about how to join, click here.

What does St Mark’s look like?

See photos of our school here.

Which adults are at St Mark’s?

Find out here!

Start / Finish Times

Our gates are open 8:30-8:48am and 3:10pm-3:20pm (32hours for the week)

The school office is open 8:30am to 4:30pm each school day, although staff may be able to assist outside of these hours.

There is a map of our school here  including parking options.

PE Days

Children can wear PE kit to school on the days they have PE. When children have gym, please can they bring or wear shorts underneath their PE trousers.

PE days are listed on our weekly newsletter, as they change each term.

Back Packs

Children should only bring in a drawstring bag – available here – unless they are in Year 6. More information here.

School Uniform

Children will wear normal school uniform, except on their PE days when they wear PE kit to school.

The uniform we have adopted is smart, inexpensive and hard wearing. Our school uniform is sold at the Basingstoke branch of Skoolkit in Church Street.
Only the jumper needs to be purchased at Skoolkit. Polo shirts do not need the school logo on it. See more here.

Drawstring bags can be purchased here.

School Meals and Lunches 

St Mark’s uses Pabulum Catering to provide school meals. Meals for children in Year R, 1 and 2 are free. This is provided by the government as part of ‘Universal Infant Free School School Meals (UIFSM)’.  When children go into Year 3, meals are chargeable and can be paid online. All children can bring a packed-lunch if they wish to. Click here for the school menu and current meal price.

If your child has a special diet, please contact us urgently at the office.

Free School Meals

FSM is different to UIFSM. Your child may be entitled to FSM if you’ve received certain benefits. It’s worth checking- simply complete this form.

What about childcare vouchers? Can these be used?

Find out more here.

Nut-free School

We are a completely nut-free school. Please don’t send any nut-based products/lunch items in. This includes chocolate spread or pancakces, which often contains some sort of nut ingredient. Thank you.

Pupil Premium

If you have received certain benefits, then please complete this form to see if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. This gives the school over £1300.


See a summary here!


We communicate with parents via text, email, the website, and by sending letters home. It’s really important that we have your correct contact details, particularly if there is an emergency. Let us know if you change anything! School phone number is 01256 346 111.


This is an important part of school life. Pupils usually have 2 hours of PE per week, plus some additional sessions throughout the year. Your child’s year group will inform you on which days they will have PE.

After School Wrap-Around Care

We run our very own wrap around care at St Mark’s, run by SCL, and there is also a great local option run by Hatch Warren Community Centre.

Click here for more information.

School-run Clubs

We run a range of after school clubs for children in Years 1-6. Sign-up usually happens at the beginning or end of a term. Most clubs are free, although some do require a small fee. More here!

Attendance and Punctuality

This is extremely important, and if levels drop, then we always take action. If your child is absent, please contact the school immediately. Holidays in term time will always be unauthorised, possibly fined.

Online Payments

You can pay for meals and trips online using the Tucasi payment system. You can pay in advance, or top up when necessary. The office can provide more details.


Each year group will go on at least 1 trip per year, though often more. Again, these usually are at cost, and the contribution suggested is vital to allow the trips to happen. Year 4 & 6 pupils take part in a residential.

Medical Needs and First Aid

Please do let us know if your child has any medical issues, or if it changes during the year. If your child has an accident at school, a form will be sent home.

If your child has an auto-injector, they must have an in-date one in school, and an extra one for school trips (or they will not be allowed to attend).

Can you help?

We are always looking for parents and friends of the school who can offer time to help the school in anyway. No offer is too small! Please do ask at the office, or see your child’s teacher. DBS checks are free.


We have a brilliant PTA called FOSM, which stands for Friends of St Mark’s. They help to put on fantastic school events throughout the year, raising valuable funds and contributing to the life of the school. Please do join them – it benefits your child and our community!


Please do respect the law and the local residents by only parking in designated and lawful areas. Please note that children are allowed to cycle to school, if they wear a helmet! Permission is granted to park in the school car park in specific circumstances, but it is very unusual. We don’t have the space!

No Pencil Cases!

There is no need to bring a pencil case to school (they are not allowed!). This is because the school provides everything that is needed.

Free Fruit

For children in Years R, 1 and 2, a free piece of fruit is provided each day.


We run a variety of after school clubs, and change them on a half-termly or termly basis. Look out for emails from the office asking for you to sign up.

Communicating with teachers

If you need to pass on a message directly to a teacher, please use an email address in this format 

Water Bottles

Water is available in each class, and children are allowed to bring small, discrete water bottles to keep hydrated throughout the day.  For Year R pupils: your child will be provided with a free water bottle by the year R staff at the beginning of the school year.

Lost Property

Please check on a regular basis for any lost property. It will be given away if not found. Please also name any items brought in!


We put our policies online so that you can see what we follow as a school. Find them here.


Our office team are always friendly and helpful. Where possible, please do email/call if you have a question to reduce congestion.

Religious Education

As a Hampshire school, we subscribe to the Hampshire Agreed Syllabus. This promotes a sound understanding of a variety of faiths. We aim to be inclusive in all our acts of worship. Read our RE policy here, or find out more here.

Assemblies (Worships)

We have daily class or school worship, which usually follow a theme for the week or term. We sometimes have visitors speak to us, too. Singing worship happens once a week. Find out more here.

The Bridge

‘The Bridge’ Resourced Provision is a supportive provision for pupils who have a primary need of social, emotional and mental health needs on their EHC plan. We provide the children with support from an excellent team of LSAs within their classroom or, at times, in the Bridge suite of rooms if required. The children may join in mainstream classes. We’re really proud of The Bridge!

Safe Word

When your child starts with us, you’ll be given a safe word. This is required when making changes to pick-up arrangements. Please don’t be offended if we ask for it!

Child unwell? Dentist Appointment?

If your child is unwell, you’ll need to phone the office to let them know. You can also send an email. This needs to be done by 9am please.

Again, for an appointment, please let the office know.


If you have to take time out of school, there is a form to complete to request absence. It may be authorised or unauthorised, and may result in a Hampshire penalty notice (fine – similar to a parking fine).

Find our more here.

What do parents think?

Who is Boris?

How do we teach reading?

Read our vision here

Learning Behaviours

What are the 4 Christian Values?

Still got a question? Let us know!

Send us an email here.