Home Reading Expectations



Children will have a green reading record log. Please send the log and their reading books into school with your child each day.

School reading:

In school, reading is recorded in a class folder and we will use a stamp saying that: ‘your child has read with an adult today’ or with a signature.

Frequent reading is encouraged both in and out of school. Each class will have a class reader to share and enjoy as a class.

From Year 2 onwards, children also complete regular reading tasks in class which develop their fluency and comprehension. This won’t be recorded in the log.

Home reading:

We ask that children read at least 4 times per week. Please could you, or your child, sign their reading log.

  • Each time your child reads 4 times per week, they will receive a raffle ticket that will be put into a class pot. Tickets will be drawn from the pot and a book prize will be awarded at the end of each half term. The more tickets that each child has in the pot, the better their chance of winning.
  • Star reader certificates will also be awarded by the teacher each week in Celebration Worship on a Friday.
  • Over the year, children will also bring home a class book pack/bag or box which has some carefully selected titles picked by your child’s class teacher. These packs also contain a sachet of hot chocolate for your child to enjoy whilst reading these books. Please share these books with your child. They will have the books for up to a week and will hopefully build an excitement for books and reading.

Books that will come home each week:

  • Library book- changed each week. To come in on your class library day.
  • Read Write Inc. book (carefully matched to their phonic teaching for children learning RWI) These will begin coming home from 19th September for children who are on the RWI scheme and need to come into school every day.
  • Children on RWI will also be able to access eBooks through Oxford Owl that are again matched to the phonics they are learning. Any additional books sent home are books to be shared with your child to promote a love of reading.
  • ORT/Big Cat/Real books matched to their reading ability (once they are off RWI and know all of their sounds). These books need to come into school every day.
  • We are stopping Bug Club as it was not being used by many children.