Year R – Thursday 30th April
Good Morning Puffins, Parrots and Penguins!
Hello children. Well done for all of your fabulous ‘art in the garden’ yesterday. We were very impressed that you were resilient enough to get out there in the rain! We loved looking at your creative ideas for a castle!
Today our activities are linked to ‘Lucky Double 7’ AKA Numberblock 14, and our story ‘How to catch a dragon’ read by Mrs Rushton. We hope you have fun getting creative and drawing a dragon later!
If you fancy trying to break a Guinness World Record then join in with England’s Biggest Assembly:
Today Thursday 30th April at 10am, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will deliver a message of hope to school pupils across the country in the first assembly at Oak National Academy. The Archbishop’s address will be streamed through the Times Educational Supplement Website and will then remain available on the Oak National Academy website. Do try and watch it live as you may potentially be part of a Guinness World Record!
Have a great day!
Year R Team
This week we go up, up and away to explore… Castles
Bodiam Castle, East Sussex, England
English – Phonics game
Today’s activity is playing a dragon game to practise your phonics. The game is called Dragon’s Den. Click here to play.
How To Play and Tips from Phonics Play:
- Choose phase 3 and then choose the specific sets of letters you want to practise.
- Model sound-talking each sound in the word on the egg and then blending the sounds together and saying the final word. Ask your child to repeat this process.
- Ask them to decide whether the word is real or fake. Drag the egg to either the green (real) or red (fake) dragon.
- For subsequent words, ask your child to sound-talk and then say the blended word.
- For every word (even words that they are familiar with) expect children to sound-talk the word and blend it to say the word. Don’t just let them read the words. Phonics sessions are all about learning to blend and segment so the children need to be practising these skills.
Maths – Meet Numberblock 14!
First, watch today’s episode where we meet Numberblock 14! click here to view
Now collect 14 objects/cubes around your house, group them into a group of 10 and a group of 4, then practise saying “10 and 4 more make 14”. Can you say it a loud voice, a quiet voice, a squeaky voice, what is the silliest voice you could use?
Numberblock 14 loves to play on his skateboard! I loved it when he was skating in between the numbers 1-14. I wonder if you could make your own number track and practise running/ /jumping/hopping or skipping through it like Numberblock 14? You could use chalks on the floor outside to write the numbers, or maybe you could use post its/paper on the carpet to write the numbers.
Numberblock 14 told us he was an even number – can you explain to your grown up what that means? If you have cubes you could make Numberblock 14, or you could draw him to show you grown up why he is even (each block has a partner, there are no blocks left out). Can you make or draw any other even numbers?
If you fancy an extra challenge, can you find out what happens when you add 2 even numbers to 10 together – does it make an odd or an even number? What happens when you add 2 odd numbers together? Does it make an odd or an even number?
Draw a dragon
First, watch Mrs Rushton read today’s story ‘How to catch a dragon’.
Albie finds lots of dragons in Mrs Rushton’s story today! Look closely at what he saw.
Can you draw a dragon and either colour it in with colouring pencils or felt tips, or your could paint it.
What colours will you choose?
Will it be breathing out fire?

This week’s optional activities…
Here are some videos you might like to share together.
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password or need some help.
You can continue to use Tapestry to share your child’s work. Please only upload one post a day. You can either choose one activity or put all the activities you complete on one post.
We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!
The children in Year R are very rarely asked to work independently, particularly when writing. It is expected that they will need adult support to get started on all of the tasks we set for them here, and continue to need it throughout their activity.
However, we want to continue to build their independence, so encourage them to use resources which can help them be independent like sound cards, letter formation cards for handwriting etc.
Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities with you. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
There is absolutely no expectation that you get all, if any of these activities completed each day.
Ongoing Activities
You can find lots of learning resources that we have collated on the Educating Home Page. Click here to be redirected.
- Reading
- Handwriting – for a video please click here
- Keywords
- Phonics
- Number and shape, space and measure activities – try Numberblocks games and Maths Factor (see Educating Home Page)
- Dough Disco – click here for a simple playdough recipe if you need it
Video Resources
Today’s story is “How to catch a dragon” read by Mrs Rushton.
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