Roman Day!
On Tuesday 28th January we had a fantastic visit from Portals to the Past. Iggy shared a huge amount of information about the Romans with Year 4. Here are some photos and recounts of the day.
On Tuesday 28th January we had a fantastic visit from Portals to the Past. Iggy shared a huge amount of information about the Romans with Year 4. Here are some photos and recounts of the day.
We have had a great start back in Year 4. The children are working incredibly hard and representing St Mark’s brilliantly at swimming.
To start our Roman topic, the children explored a range of interesting artefacts. Can you work out how all these items link together?
Key Dates:
28th January – Portals to the Past visit at St Mark’s
– 12th February – Roman Day!
As part of our DT work this term, Year 4 have made some bread. We tried a basic bread roll last week and evaluated what went well and what we would improve.
Today we have baked our own bread roll, adding an ingredient of choice. Our bread looked amazing and tasted delicious. We have developed our kneading technique and our bread rolls rose much better on our second bake. Here are some photos of our bread rolls:-
Year 4 have been working really hard this term on their geography project. They have enjoyed interviewing the parent/grandparent community as well as enjoying a visit from Bloor Homes last week.
The children have demonstrated great teamwork to create their own housing companies, designing their own settlement for Basingstoke Golf Course. They will be presenting their ideas in their classrooms on Friday at 2:30pm. Parents and carers are welcome to attend.
We have had such a busy half term and the children have loved learning about Ancient Egypt! Our topic after half term is a geography based unit focusing on the United Kingdom.
Here is a reminder of the half term homework set last week and due on 4.11.19.
We would like you to collect some information about a place in the UK which is special to you and your family. It could be another town or city which you have lived in or visited on holiday or for the day. Perhaps where your Grandparents or another family member lives.
You can share your ideas in any form (poster, postcard, factfile) you like but please include:
Please bring your homework to school on 4.11.19
We hope you have a restful half term break and look forward to seeing you on Monday 4th November.
The Year 4 Team