Year 3 – Super Learners
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Inter-Class Challenge Kahoot! Quiz. We will announce the winners after half term! It was very close!
Don’t forget there is still time to enter our competition to create your writing into a holiday brochure:
Monday 22nd February – We are planning to have our hook day – if possible the children will need some dry pasta and/ or cotton ear buds. More information will be given on the day.
Have a lovely half term break, a well earned rest.
Year 3 Team
Year 3 – Red, White and Blue Project Home and School
Can we take this opportunity to say thank you for your support so far this week and bearing with us as we have moved to live teaching for key worker children and those at home. It has been lovely to see so many of you joining our lessons and meets from home. We want to feel like a class, year group and school community and you have certainly helped us to achieve this.
Daily Meets:
9.30am – We will take the register and then teach the English session. If you can’t make this slot you will be able to access the pre-recorded lesson instead but we would love to see you and have your ideas shared with everyone too. Please ensure you have your book and pencil ready to work. You should be sat at a table so you can complete your writing as we teach.
11.30am – This is a drop in session that is available for those that may need some help, want to share something with one of the teachers from Year 3.
1.05pm – Afternoon register and story time – we may sometimes use this for quizzes, introduction of afternoon activities or other live lessons. We will have a celebration worship every Friday where we will celebrate someone from home and at school.
Handing in work:
Please ensure your child hands in their work when it has been completed by clicking on ‘Handing in’ work. We will have LSA’s and teachers giving feedback and RP’s. You can complete in your books, take a photo or by editing the Google Doc/Slide. Please do encourage the children to read the comments and support that might be given by staff as this would be beneficial to their learning.
Printing of work:
We are doing our best to ensure that there are documents online for those children who don’t have access to a printer. We are not expecting you to print everything we set – children can complete straight into their books if needed.
Resource packs:
We are aware that you may not have all the resources and equipment at home that you may need. We are making packs of resources for those who may need them. This will include their school pencil cases, resources and books for English and topic work. We will set a date to be able to collect these after school this week.
Google meet Rules:
Can you please share the google meet rules below with your child before Monday. Thank you.
Finally, we would like to share some of the wonderful work from our home learners this week. We hope you like them. Thank you again for all your support and kind words that have been emailed in. If you do need to get hold of us, do please email us at
Mrs Boyle, Mrs Spiers, Miss Tamblyn, Mrs Parker and Mrs Gregory
The Iron Man by Year 3
The children are thoroughly enjoying our project based around the Iron Man. In science we have been using magnets to investigate their uses. We have watched how they have a magnetic force and can make a paperclip jump towards it. We have also made our own predictions and then investigated moving a paperclip through different materials in preparation for making our mazes. Last week we finished our sentence stacking lessons and reread the stories we had created. We were extremely impressed! We went on to write the next section of the story on our own and have some created some poems using fabulous vocabulary where the Iron Man is Trapped. We will be writing these up next week and will share with you after. The children really have enjoyed reading The Iron Man and have created some wonderful art work from this too.
A few updates:
- There is still time to buy your copy of The Iron Man on sco pay – the children that have purchased them will be bringing them home soon.
- The classes are preparing for our Christmas videos and the children are excited. Please check your child’s google classroom stream as we have put information on here as to any props or clothing they may need to be in for the recording day in school. These are different in all three classes so please check carefully.
- Homework and spellings continues on google classroom. Don’t forget you can also access the children’s reading logs on here and there are reading prizes available for the children.
Year 3 Team
Year 3 – Keep your eyes peeled for The Iron Man
Strange things have been spotted by Year 3. Whilst on a nice walk on Monday for some fresh air, Year 3 noticed some objects hanging in the trees and bushes. At first they thought Mr Blake and Mrs Barbour had been a little lazy and not put these in the bin where they should be. But it seems that Mr Blake had lost some of his things over half term. Year 3 turned on their thinking brains and started to work on the case at once.
The children worked out that all the objects were made of metal. When they arrived back in school they discovered a book all wrapped up in boring brown paper with the words: Don’t judge a book by its cover. The children guessed that this book was ‘The Iron Man’ and went on to design their own front covers. We explained that ‘The Iron Man’ book has had many different front covers and the were very excited to find out which copy they had (don’t forget if your child would like to keep their copy of the Iron Man once the project is complete, you can buy this using your SCOPAY account for just £3.99).
Once the children opened their books, they came to the conclusion that ‘The Iron Man’ must be have been at school and needed metal for something. So do keep your eyes peeled for any more evidence! On Tuesday, when the children arrived in their classes they were surprised to see the Iron Man on their walls. They used many words to describe him: colossal, gigantic, titanic, enormous, immense, Vast and many more.
The children have shown a great attitude to their new new project and we are sure they are going to enjoy it!
A few reminders:
* Homework can be found on google classroom and is set on Friday’s.
* Isolating lessons can be found in Year 3 folder on google classroom and are only for those children self isolating that are well enough to complete.
* You can buy a copy of The Iron Man by paying on your SCOPAY account.
* The children will be requiring a shoe box lid (or cereal box) in school named ASAP – this is for a D&T project but because these need to go into isolation before use, we are asking for them to be in by Friday 20th November at the latest.
Year 3 Team