Good morning Year 2,
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed a nice, relaxing weekend. As it is now officially the Easter holidays, we will be reducing the workload to ensure you can all enjoy a well deserved rest. Instead of our daily learning posts, we will instead be uploading 1 post at the start of each of the two weeks that will contain some fun activities for you to have a go at, as well as posting a good morning message each day to keep in touch. We will also be contactable using our email address at, and would love to hear what you are getting up to over the Easter holidays.
The weekly posts that we will put up will contain a range of activities for you and your family to have a go at. You may choose to complete 1 activity each day, 1 a week, or you may decide to complete your own activities, or have a complete break. All of these options are fine, as these activities are only ideas, and are optional. You may also wish to continue with your daily activities, which are listed below.
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and hard work at this challenging time. The emails we have received have demonstrated how hard you are all working, and the efforts you are going to to ensure your child can continue their learning. We wish you a happy, healthy and enjoyable Easter holidays.
Many thanks,
The Year 2 Team

Ongoing Daily Activities:
Here are some additional activities that you may wish to have a go at across this week:
- 20 minutes of reading either a school book of home book.
- Complete your 2, 5, and 10 times tables using TTRockstars or a different method.
- Practice some of the Year 2 Common Exception Words
- Common Exception Words

Other educational activities:
- Complete some of the Easter maths activities on the White Rose Maths website at
- Counting forward and backwards to and from 100 in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, starting form different numbers.
- Choosing 2 numbers at random from a number square and seeing if you can add them together.
- Read to your child and talk about the story together, thinking about the character’s feelings, and whether you can think of a different ending.
- Write your own story.
Fun Holiday Activities
- Have a picnic in your garden or lounge with some of your toys.
- Make an assault course in your garden and see how quickly you can complete it.
- Draw a picture for someone you love.
- Keep a diary of the activities you have done in a day.
- Help someone in your family with some baking or gardening.
- Set yourself a secret mission to complete one random act of kindness each day.
- Make a den and camp in it.
- Make up a dance routine to your favourite song.
Fun Easter Activities
Easter Cards:
Make your own Easter card using these pictures as inspiration. For the first design, print the template below or draw an outline of something that reminds you of Easter. Then use coloured paper, pens or paints to create colourful designs. For the second designs, use paint or ink to create a finger print on your page, before adding features such as legs, eyes and a beak using a marker pen. Perhaps you can give your card to a family member to brighten their day.
Modern art rabbit and egg

Easter Word Search:
Have a think about some words that are related to Easter. See if you can hide the words among other letters in a grid and see if one of your family members can find them.
Easter Quiz:
Have a go at these quizzes and then see if you can make your own quiz. See if your family know the answers.
Easter Quiz power point
Easter Baking:
Why not use this recipe below to have a go at making some Easter Pancakes! Remember to only use ingredients that you already have at home, or pick them up in your essential weekly shop.
Easter bunny pancakes
Easter Egg Hunt:
Draw some pictures of some Easter eggs, colour them in and cut them out carefully. Next, hide them around your house or garden and see if a family member can find them. Then, ask them to hide the Easter egg pictures and see if you can find them. You can use this template of an Easter egg to help you:
Easter egg template
Have a lovely Easter break! Bye for now!