Welcome to the Daily Maths Challenge!

Hello to Parents and Children and welcome to our ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ page!
This page is designed to give additional Maths challenge for more able mathematicians or even for children who simply just love Maths!
From Monday to Friday, an activity will be uploaded with a theme for the day along with three levels of challenge so that children in Key Stage 1 and 2 can access these. These Mathematical challenges will require thinking, problem solving and investigative skills. As a rough guide, level 1 is aimed at Key Stage 1 children, Level 2 is aimed at Year 3 and 4 pupils and Level 3 is aimed at Year 5 and 6 pupils.
Please remember that these are additional tasks which are not necessarily related to what the children are learning in their own year group so please ensure that the children have completed the work set out by their class teacher first.
The ‘Daily Maths Challenges’ will appear below where you can view and then download them as a PDF. Scroll down to see the latest daily challenge, but all previous days will remain archived on the Maths Page.
Feel free to email me on with any questions. Have fun Mathematicians!
From Miss Goddard