Year 2 – Wednesday 6th April
Good Morning Year 2
Hello Year 2,
We hope you are well, and are ready for a new day! Remember to take some time to get outside today, and do some exercise. Why not do a few star jumps and see how long it takes for your heart to beat faster and get out of puff!
Can you believe it is Wednesday already? The week is whizzing by and we have a bank holiday this weekend, so that’s something to look forward to. Wednesday is another tricky day of the week to spell. Remember to break the word into sections to help you spell it correctly: Wed – nes – day.
We hope you are enjoying our geography topic this week, and that you are excited for your history themed day tomorrow to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day. Have a great day!
Best wishes,
The Year 2 Team.
Our Geography, linked with English today, will involve learning about a special place in the world with many hidden treasures. This is Ghana. The gold in the Ghanaian flag represents the mineral wealth- Ghana’s hidden treasures.
We have picked this area to look at as it is linked to our school via our charity ‘The Raising Hope Foundation’. We often raise money to help support children in a school in Santrokofi, in Ghana, and we have had fun themed days in school run by our RHF Ambassadors. As you find out about this special place, it would be good to think about how similar or different it is to our local area. You may even like to think about how the lives of the Ghanaian people may be different, like yours, by being in lock down.
After looking at the pictures, your English task today is to write a simple poem or some sentences and phrases to describe what Ghana looks like to you. What sights and sounds would you see and hear there? Use this to complete your own writing about Ghana. Be creative!
Today in maths, we are going to be continuing our work on addition and subtraction using the White Rose maths resources. Today’s lesson with explore using related facts to help calculate answers to different questions, for example, if I know that 8 + 1 = 9, I know that 80 + 10 = 90. Children should again be able to draw on prior knowledge and understanding to help calculate these answers, and can use any method they wish to support them, such as using concrete resources, jottings, or mentally.
As with the other maths lessons shared, there is a video to help explore this concept, as well as an activity sheet to complete. You can then check your answers using the answer sheet provided. Please click on the first link below to access the White Rose page, before completing ‘Lesson 3’ in ‘Summer Term – Week 3’. Please email us if you have any questions regarding this. Good luck!
Year 2 – Summer Week 3 – Lesson 3
Year 2 – Summer Week 3 – Lesson 3 Answer sheet
Today, our extra task is to learn more about Ghana and the transport that is used in the country. As you learn about it, you might like to think about what is the same or different to here. There is a fun drawing activity at the end that you might like to try.
Video Resources
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