Year 5 – Wednesday 5th May – Video Resources
Video Resources
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Happy Wednesday – half way through the week already. We hope you’re having a great week so far. This is the last day of specific Year 5 learning for this week. This is because tomorrow you will have a set of jobs to do about VE Day and its importance, then Friday is bank holiday.
Just a reminder that all teachers are training today and tomorrow, so we will be unable to reply to emails until Monday of next week.
We look forward to seeing you in our class Zoom chats later – you will need a pen and some paper ready for another quiz Guess the Teacher!!
Year 5 Team
Today we are continuing to work with decimals. You will be adding decimals with a different number of decimal places. There is a video that you can watch to support your learning today which you can access by clicking here. We are working on Summer term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April): Lesson 3 – Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places. Remember you can present your work whichever way works for you.
Today we are going to continue our work with the ‘Tales of the Caribbean’ book. You need to work through the PowerPoint and watch Mrs Poole’s video at the bottom of this post (with the usual password).
The lovely Miss Stonehouse has recorded another YouTube Video for French. You can find this video at the bottom of this page in the video resources section (usual password).
As well as the learning tasks we upload each day, there are a few ‘extras’ that you could have a go at, if you get time and would like to.
We hope everyone is well and is enjoying learning about earthquakes. This is a new area of learning for us all and it is very interesting. We are curious to know what an earthquake feels like, but they are very rare in the UK and only tiny shakes if they do occur. Today you will be finding out about some of the most dramatic earthquakes that have happened across the World.
Tomorrow is a special day remembering 75 years ago when World War ll ended in Europe. Mrs Happy’s mum was a little girl then and she remembers a piano being tied to the back of a lorry and her Aunt playing it in celebration – how funny! Everyone will have lots of opportunities to find out more about what happened during this time and do some activities so that we can celebrate and remember.
This is the last post we will be doing on the web page as after the long holiday weekend, we will be uploading the work to Google classrooms. The kind of work we will be doing will be much the same, just through a different platform.
Hope you have a lovely long weekend and learn a lot about VE day tomorrow,
From Miss Goddard, Miss Hardy and Mrs Happy
We have included both lesson 3 and 4 on today’s post as tomorrow is a special day to mark VE day and there will be no Maths set. The lessons fit together well as they are both about how we use decimals to record money. We will leave it up to you to decide whether to do lesson 4. You could do it as an extra lesson today or to break up tomorrow’s learning. Understanding how to record money is an important life skill. Remember we only use a £ sign or p sign never both. Also think carefully about the importance of 0 as a place holder. No one will know if you write £1.5 if you mean £1.50 or £1.05 and that could mean you loose a lot of money.
Here is the White Rose link to both lesson 3 & 4, remember it is Summer 1 week 2.
Daily Maths Challenge
For children who are completing their Maths with ease, and who would like further challenge, Miss Goddard’s ‘Daily Maths Challenge’ is available. If you complete today’s work and would like to access it, please click here.
There have been many significant Earthquakes in history. Significant because of their size, due to the fatalities they have caused or even because of devastation to buildings. Your task, and some new vocabulary will be explained today in the first Youtube video.
Once you have chosen the Earthquake (or tsunami) you would like to focus on, then see if you can find out the answers to the following questions. You can record your findings as answers or write them into full sentences like Miss Goddard’s example.
Where did the Earthquake happen?
When did the Earthquake happen?
What was the magnitude of the Earthquake?
Was there a tsunami also?
If so, how big was the seismic wave?
What devastation was caused?
How many fatalities were there?
What was the cost of the damage?
Were there any significant buildings which were damaged?
What were the effects on humankind?
How did the effected people rebuild their lives?
Your topic work is about presenting these findings, so make sure you watch the second Youtube video to find out about some creative presentation ideas after you have completed your English.
Now you have all your research, we are going to think about some creative ways which you could present your findings. Have a watch of the second Youtube video which may give you some inspiration as to how you present your work.
You may to present your work on: a poster, a folded leaflet or an open out booklet. You could even use flaps just like in your big cat poster last week. To encompass the Earthquake theme, why not see if you can use some of the crack effects like in the video to make your work look eye-catching.
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Hello Year 2,
We hope you are well, and are ready for a new day! Remember to take some time to get outside today, and do some exercise. Why not do a few star jumps and see how long it takes for your heart to beat faster and get out of puff!
Can you believe it is Wednesday already? The week is whizzing by and we have a bank holiday this weekend, so that’s something to look forward to. Wednesday is another tricky day of the week to spell. Remember to break the word into sections to help you spell it correctly: Wed – nes – day.
We hope you are enjoying our geography topic this week, and that you are excited for your history themed day tomorrow to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day. Have a great day!
Best wishes,
The Year 2 Team.
Our Geography, linked with English today, will involve learning about a special place in the world with many hidden treasures. This is Ghana. The gold in the Ghanaian flag represents the mineral wealth- Ghana’s hidden treasures.
We have picked this area to look at as it is linked to our school via our charity ‘The Raising Hope Foundation’. We often raise money to help support children in a school in Santrokofi, in Ghana, and we have had fun themed days in school run by our RHF Ambassadors. As you find out about this special place, it would be good to think about how similar or different it is to our local area. You may even like to think about how the lives of the Ghanaian people may be different, like yours, by being in lock down.
After looking at the pictures, your English task today is to write a simple poem or some sentences and phrases to describe what Ghana looks like to you. What sights and sounds would you see and hear there? Use this to complete your own writing about Ghana. Be creative!
Today in maths, we are going to be continuing our work on addition and subtraction using the White Rose maths resources. Today’s lesson with explore using related facts to help calculate answers to different questions, for example, if I know that 8 + 1 = 9, I know that 80 + 10 = 90. Children should again be able to draw on prior knowledge and understanding to help calculate these answers, and can use any method they wish to support them, such as using concrete resources, jottings, or mentally.
As with the other maths lessons shared, there is a video to help explore this concept, as well as an activity sheet to complete. You can then check your answers using the answer sheet provided. Please click on the first link below to access the White Rose page, before completing ‘Lesson 3’ in ‘Summer Term – Week 3’. Please email us if you have any questions regarding this. Good luck!
Year 2 – Summer Week 3 – Lesson 3
Year 2 – Summer Week 3 – Lesson 3 Answer sheet
Today, our extra task is to learn more about Ghana and the transport that is used in the country. As you learn about it, you might like to think about what is the same or different to here. There is a fun drawing activity at the end that you might like to try.
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We hope that you have slept well and are ready for another day of home learning. Your work yesterday was fantastic and we continue to be very proud of you for all your hard work. Please keep sending your work in, we love to see it.
Year 5 Team
Today we are going to be continuing with our work on decimals. More specifically, we are going to be subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places. There is a video that you can watch to support your learning today which you can access by clicking here. We are working on Summer term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April): Lesson 2 – Subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places. Remember you can present your work whichever way works for you and we are always here to support you by email.
Today you are going to be carrying on with English tasks based upon ‘Tales of the Caribbean’ that you started to look at yesterday. Go though the PowerPoint and have your role on the wall nearby from yesterday, it may come in handy. If you would like to listen to the story again then Mrs Poole’s video is still available on yesterday’s post (using the same password as always). You can choose whether to write or type your character description.
Today we are going to continue to learn about living things, but moving away from animals. We are going to be thinking about plants and their life cycles. As you work your way through the PowerPoint and watch the videos, we would like you to make notes about each section of the the life cycle. We have attached a sheet for you to do this on if you would like, or we are happy for you to choose another way to present it. We will be going into more detail on Pollination and Fertilisation in a future lesson.
As well as the learning tasks we upload each day, there are a few ‘extras’ that you could have a go at, if you get time and would like to.