What a busy few weeks it has been in Year 4. We are so proud of all of the children at home. The effort they have been putting into their tasks has been outstanding! We are also extremely impressed with the amount of children joining our Google Meets and live lessons. The children are engaged, they participate sensibly and we really couldn’t ask for more! Thank you so much for your ongoing support here.
Whether at home or at school, there has been so much learning going on! We have immersed ourselves in our Roman topic and we already know so many facts. This week, the children designed a Roman dish after carrying out research online. Look how fantastic these designs are:
Not only this, but we have been busy writing our own stories linked to the short Disney film ‘Feast’. Our sentence stacking lessons were tremendously successful, and the children have been applying many of the skills taught into their own pieces. Have a read of some of these fantastic snippets:
Months after months, Buster spent more and more time pondering over the same question, ‘When will this man leave?’ He was feeling very irritated and started behaving badly by stealing the man’s shoes and chewing them like a vicious wild animal attacking its prey.
The following morning, the cute but scruffy puppy woke up to an amazing sensational smell. His tummy rumbled as loud as a lion’s roar. In front of him, there was a shiny new blue bowl with ‘Max’ written on it. Max’s bowl had the tastiest food filled to the top.
By Zion
Week after week, the new kitten was given all the love, affection and treats that once belonged to her. Lucy got more and more upset, the anger rising in her body like the steam coming out of a hot, boiling kettle. She barked loudly, she growled viciously and she destroyed the sofa with her sharp, pointy teeth to show her anger to everyone. How could this have happened – her new life was ruined!
By Sophie G
Roughly one year later, the couple got married. Ralph was full of happiness by the way his life had turned around, and the three found one more space on the couch to sit together! What lived on was the greatest time of his life. Unlimited treats, unlimited cuddles and unlimited smiles. Ralph thought his life was a dream!
By Noah
Some time later, as they all stood in a large, decorated barn, Millie looked at her joyful parents as they got married. The love in the room sparked like electricity and the happiness was as obvious as fireworks. Millie, who was over the moon, had her Mum back. She had her Dad, she had food, lots of tasty food. Tasty party rings, tasty sausages, tasty sausage rolls, and the tastiest strawberry cake!
By Elsie
In an instant, Max had the answer: it came to him as quickly as a flash of lightning. He stared at the bone that Dad and him used to play with and Max knew exactly where he needed to go. He leapt through the open window into the back garden like a tiger hunting in the rainforest. He climbed the garden wall like an explorer climbing Mount Everest.
By Harry
Immediately, Barney had a thought that he just couldn’t deny. The kind pug grabbed the ring, and ran right through the open door like a bolt of lightning crashing down in the sky. He ran straight to the pottery shop where mum and dad met. He tracked it down with his nose until the smell of pottery hit him.
Thank you all for everything you are doing to support your child’s learning. It really is making such a difference. Feel free to contact us at any time using our email address: year4@stmarksce.org.uk. We are always here to help.
Year 4 Team