How very excited we are to be returning together again on Monday. We know the children have been asking questions over the last week so hopefully this will help answer some of them:
Q: Do we need to bring our books back?
No, these books can stay at home as you have been uploading your work to google classroom. We have your books before lockdown ready for your return.
Q: Can we bring backpacks?
No, please only bring the reading folder that you were given at the start of the year. We are aware that some of these may need replacing and we do have new ones waiting for you on your return.
Q: Do we need to bring back our school pencil cases?
Yes, we know some of you borrowed your school pencil cases to support your home learning. Please do bring these back. You don’t need to bring your own pencil case as you have your old one waiting for you in class.
Q: Where will I be sitting?
Your teachers have shared this with you in meetings this week. If you missed this information we will share with you Monday morning.
Q: Do we still have to wash our hands?
Yes, we will still be washing our hands regularly and using hand-gel. You can bring your own hand-wash and hand-gel if you would like.
Q: Are we still doing PE on Thursday’s?
Yes, please continue to come to school in your PE kit on Thursday’s.
Q: Will we be having music lessons on Tuesday again?
This is still being arranged, we will definitely been returning to this after Easter but hopefully from next week. We should be starting with ukuleles.
Q: I am nervous to return in-case I have forgotten the rules.
Please do not worry, we will support you throughout the first week to remember the rules and expectations.
The way the school will be running will be just like it was before Christmas. We will still be in our class bubbles, lunches and worships in class and zones for playtimes. Do watch Mr Applegate’s video on his newsletter to remind you about procedures to keep everyone safe.
Google classroom:
– We will continue to use ‘your class’ google classroom to issue homework each week.
– If for any reason you need to isolate, as you wait for a test result, you can find work that will be issued in ‘Year 3’ classroom. Please read through the instructions carefully as this explains how the work is issued.
May we take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work, your parents for all their on-going support and the Year 3 team for supporting your home learning throughout this lockdown. If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to email us on
See you Monday,
Year 3 Team