Updates from Mr Applegate
I think we’re all ready for a break! It’s been quite a term – and quite a busy 3 weeks back, but the children have been great as always.
We have a non-uniform day on March 31st, which is our last day of term too. Money raised goes to help FOSM, which helps our school. Thank you for your generosity and enjoy the Easter Egg hunt!
Remember if you have any symptoms that may be COVID related (temperature, new persistent cough, loss of or change to sense of taste or smell), then your child and siblings must stay at home and have a PCR test booked via a website or walk-in centre. It is not correct to use an LFD (Lateral flow) test if there are already symptoms. An LFD is to identify if someone has COVID when they are asymptomatic. A PCR test checks for COVID when there are symptoms.
Further, if a child at our school tests positive over the Easter break, please let us know via the COVID email address covid@stmarksce.org.uk . If a child tests positive, we may need to inform the other children in their class to self isolate – otherwise we are only spreading COVID around.
Thank you for your continuing support of our school – these are not easy times but our unity and togetherness is one of the key things to help us all get through this period.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Easter break.
Staffing Changes
We have a few staffing changes this Easter. Mrs Pendrill, who has been part of our lunchtime team and breakfast club team for over 6 years, will be retiring. We will miss her kindess, flexibility, dedication and just having her around our school. Mrs Pendrill is looking forward to taking holidays in the UK during term time, and spending more time with her family, We wish her all the best.
Many of you will remember Miss Campbell, who worked as an LSA and also on our pastoral support team before going on maternity leave last year. She has decided not to return to St Mark’s following the birth of her third child. Miss Campbell has a gift of helping children in their struggles as well as bringing smiles and laughter, We have missed her at St Mark’s. We wish her and her family all the best in the years to come.
Finally, Mrs Riakiotakis has been part of our admin team for a few years, and will be moving to another school in a different role. I’m sure you will have experienced her very helpful and kind nature when communicating with the office. We’ll miss having her as part of our team, and again wish her every success in her new role.
Have a wonderful weekend :) Mr Applegate