1st October Newsletter – Secret Kindness Agents, Harvest, Pumpkin Trail and more
A note from Mr Applegate
It’s been great to see so many of you at our key information sessions this week (Year 4 is on Monday). Look out for the emails sent with the slides shown.
We’ve been thinking about what it means to love others through what we do. During this week and next, the children are becoming secret kindness agents – aiming to do something kind for someone else without being noticed! I was given a hand-made card by a group of children (I don’t know who!) with some jokes in! My favourite was, “What do you call a tired unicorn?” A Yawnicorn!
Have a great weekend, Mr Applegate :)
FOSM Pumpkin Trail
The Friends of St Mark’s (FOSM) PTA will be running a pumpkin trail. This will take place in Hatch Warren and Beggarwood between Saturday 23rd – Sunday 31st October for you to complete at your own pace. All correct entries will be entered into a draw to win this cute cuddly pumpkin and a £25 Smyths Toys voucher.
Remember to sign up online at https://www.stmarksprimary.net/pumpkintrail
Once we have received all monies and completed registration forms, your map and question sheet will be sent to you at the email address provided. Happy finding!
We’ll be celebrating Harvest on the week begining 11th October! Rev Nicola Such will be helping us learn about the festival, and where our food comes from.
As usual, we’ll be supporting Foodbank. If you are able, we’d love you to donate online here. Why not do this with your child so that they learn more about helping others? You can also donate in person here.
Bits and Pieces
- Year 6 only – complete this Bikeability form by 15th October
- Year 4 – change of date for Key Information Session – now 4th Oct 4:30pm
St Mark’s Heroes – Can you make the difference?
Our children need your help! They would massively benefit from an hour, an afternoon, or whatever you can give to help them during school hours. Our St Mark’s Heroes scheme aims to gather as much support as possible to help our children with their learning. It could involve reading with a child, supporting a small group, or generally helping in class. It could be helping out at lunchtimes. It’s also great experience if you’re looking to get more involved in schools. We’ll provide the training! There would be a simple application form to complete, a chat with Mr Applegate, and a free DBS check to complete. Click here to register your interest, and to find out more. Thank you for thinking about this – and for thinking of the difference you could make!
FOSM Advent Candles
This year the Friends of St Mark’s are selling Advent Candles to raise much needed funds for the school. A limited number are available, so these will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.
If you would like to place an order, please complete the Google form, a confirmation will be emailed to you. We will then send an envelope home with your child for you to return with your payment. The candles are £3.50 each or 3 for £10.
Order forms must be completed by 15th October and payment must be returned to school by Friday 22nd October.
The order form is available here.
Timings of pickups and dropoffs
- Based on surnames
- Drop-off: A-L 8:30-8:40am, M-Z 8:40am to 8:50am
- Collection: A-L 3:10-3:15pm, M-Z 3:15pm-3:20pm
- Map is here.
Year 6 – Thinking about Year 7
Year 6 – Secondary schools are already gearing up to show you and your child around. Applications for year
7 places for September 2022 (current Year 6s) open on the 13th September 2021 and close on the 31st October 2021. Any later applications are not considered in the first round of school allocation and will be unlikely to be awarded their first choice of school so it is essential that you get your child’s application in on time.
Dates for your diaries
Year Group Key Information Session – Online, using Google Meet. Make sure you can login to Google Meet before the meeting! It’s a chance to meet the teachers and find out important information about your child’s learning for the year. Links will be posted on the Google Classroom Stream just before the session begins.
Monday 27th Sept – Y4 – 4pmChange of date for Year 4! Monday 4th October at 4:30pm
Parents’ Evenings will be a 10 minute slot, online. Further details will follow, but dates/times are:
- Monday 18th Oct, 4-6:30pm
- Tuesday 2nd Nov 3:40-5:50pm
- Thursday 4th Nov 4-6pm
Bookings open on Monday 4th October at 8am.
School Payments
Just a reminder that we remain a cashless school.
Please pay for Breakfast Club, school dinners, trips and any other items via your ScoPay account. Thank you
Census Day for KS1 School Dinners
On Thursday 7th October, it’s Census Day for all KS1 children who are entitled to Universal Free School Meals (all children in Years R, 1 and 2).
The amount of funding we receive as a school, depends on how many dinners are ordered on that day.
Could you please encourage your child in Year R-Year 2 to order a school dinner on this day. The menu options have been changed to:
Red: Fish & Chips
Green: Pizza
Thank you :-)
Flu Vaccines
The School Nursing Team will be here on Wednesday 17th November to administer the Flu Vaccine for all children Year R-Year 6.
Consent forms will be sent home shortly.
School Dinners – Important Changes
Due to current difficult staffing circumstances, HC3S will be removing jacket potatoes from our school menu from Monday until further notice. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes, but we’re sure you understand that we are trying to do everything we can to make things easier for everybody in these challenging times.
Parking on residential roads
We have once again been sent several photos of cars parked on pathways in the local roads, one of which is shown here.
On this occasion, children and parents were having to walk in the road to go around the car.
Could we please ask that you park considerately when using residential roads, avoiding blocking driveways or obstructing pavements. Thank you
Star Learners
Well done to:
Year R: Arlo C Henry, William
Year 1: Emily, Callie, Alisha
Year 2: Ava Mc, Darcie, Dylan
Year 3: Luke C, Effie, Olivia
Year 4: Kody, Zac, Ayden
Year 5 : Eva, Darcy, Oliver B
- Year 6: Ryan, Millie, Toby
Rock Stars
Numbots best effort:
- Year1: Aidan, Theodore, Ruby
- Year 2: Daisy Bre, Joey, Jamie
Bug Club Awards:
- Year 1: Eva G, Nico, Noah
- Year 2: Lola, Elodie, Oliver
- Year 3: George
- Year 4: Chloe Me, Isla, Elizabeth
- Year 5: Alfie, Mark, Riker
- Year 6: Jessica W, Harry, Terris
Year R Tours for September 2022
Are you thinking about your child joining us in September 2022? Come and find out more about us at our online and onsite sessions!
Zoom Information Session:
- No need to book! Both Zooms are the same.
- Oct 7th Year R Info Zoom – 5pm Link here
- Nov 15th Year R Info Zoom – 6pm Link here
Onsite Tours:
- Please register here.
- Oct 12th Year R Tour – 6-7pm
- Nov 9th Year R Tour 5-6pm
- Dec 2nd Year R Tour 5-6pm
- Come along to the main entrance and we’ll direct you.
FOSM – Support Our School!
The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.
Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879
Join our Facebook group here.
Regular Notices
- 14 February 2025 – Half-term Newsletter
- 7 February 2025 – Newsletter including 6 Hour Screen-Free Challenge on Monday
- 31 January 2025 – Newsletter – FOSM Disco Tickets, Children’s Mental Health Week and more
- 24 January 2025 – Newsletter
- 17 January 2025 – Newsletter – Agents of Change, Reminders and more
- A great start to 2025 in Year 2!