Year 3 – A couple of reminders
The children are really enjoying learning about the Titanic.
We just wanted to send a couple of reminders:
Monday 27th June
Year 3 will be having an experience day all linked to our project ‘Titanic’. The children will be allowed to come to school in non-uniform. We are inviting them to wear smart clothes (No football kits) to board the Titanic. On arrival to school that morning the children will randomly choose their ‘ticket and class’ and this will help them to experience what it was like to be on the titanic. Throughout the day they will take part in activities and answer our big question ‘Is segregation ever a good thing?’
Thursday 30th June
This is non-uniform day in exchange for a contribution for the FOSM tombola. Can we please remind you that PE will be taking place still on this day, so the children should wear suitable clothes and footwear to take part in PE.
Friday 8th July
School trip day to Seacity Museum. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help on this trip. We had many offers and have been in contact with those parents we will be taking. Sorry if we didn’t have space for you to come this time, we can’t do these trips without your help. The children will need to be in uniform and have a pack lunch on this day.
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 3 Team