Mr Applegate
Posts by Mr Applegate:
Using our senses!
Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve had great fun exploring our sense of sight. We have learnt about primary colours and how to mix them to make secondary colours. The children enjoyed using their sense of touch by finger printing to help mix and paint mini-beast pictures and then embellish them with pens.
We have continued to explore our sense of sight by looking at our artist of the moment, Giuseppe Arcimboldo who used fruit, vegetables and flowers to help create his artwork. The children loved using images of fruit and vegetables to create their own artwork.
In English, we have learnt about ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and retold the story in pictures, oral retells and writing. This week, we are going to continue our learning about poetry and write our own poems about what we like to eat.
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to our maths workshop and class visit, we hope you found it enjoyable. We know the children loved sharing their learning with you. We look forward to sharing more of our learning with you in the future.
Year 1 Team
Year R news
It’s been a week of ‘firsts’ in Year R: Singing Worship, playtime with the older children, Bookclub, Maths and Music. The children have had a fantastic week meeting all of their classmates and getting to know them now everyone is full time.
We launched Tapestry on Monday and everyone should have received an activation email. Hopefully you’re logged in and have started to receive observations of your child. Please let us know if you are having any difficulties logging in or need help to navigate the app.
A few reminders:
- Reading folders – the named zippy folder we gave out at the last class visit in July containing their sounds book, Boris story, sound cards and other summer activities will now become your child’s reading folder. Please empty the contents and send the folder in on Monday. Reading books and Green log books need to be sent into school every day.
- Please ensure that everything in your child’s PE bag is named, as well as the bag itself. A label or named key ring on the outside is preferable.
- The children need shorts and jogging bottoms in their PE bag every week please.
- The children need a waterproof coat in every day. We use our outside area in all weathers.
- Please send your child’s water bottle in every day. As well as using it in the classroom, the children take it to lunch with them so it’s vital they have it.
Looking forward to next half term, our topic is ‘People who help us’. If you work for either the police, fire or ambulance service and would be able to come in to talk to the children we’d love to hear from you. Please speak to Mrs Baird in Penguins class.
We hope you have a restful weekend.
The Year R team