Partial Closure for 18th March
Dear parents,
Quick version:
- Same plan for school on Wednesday as has been today (option 2)
- Likely to be option 2 for the remainder of the week, but we will confirm each day
- Work set online each evening by 8pm for the following day.
- Email available for year groups.
- Report any absence (inc being off for partial closure or self-isolation) here.
- Click here to find out ways to give each day a routine.
Longer version:
Thank you for your support and understanding as we adjust to the disruption in our routine (routine sounds amazing!).
You’ll be aware that today (Tuesday) we put into place option 2, because of staffing shortages.
Given the nature of the COVID-19 symptoms and the self-isolation strategy, the number of staff does not tend to increase unfortunately. This means that tomorrow, Wednesday 18th March, we will be operating in the same was as today (ie option 2). School will be open to the following children only, assuming they are not unwell:
- Year 6 pupils and their siblings
- Year 2 pupils and their siblings
- Children who are not able to stay at home because of parental work commitments
The likelihood is that this will be the case for the remainder of the week; however we will keep you informed each day of progress.
Although many of our staff have been at home, they have all been working hard. Those in school have been been flexible in changing classes and lessons to accommodate different children, helping them to really enjoy their day and learn. Those not in school have been working on bringing learning to the home and setting up home communication systems for each year group. We really do want to carry on learning and supporting, even if the location is different. We are looking at a greater involvement of technology in learning at home. Bear with us as we develop it further.
Please do complete the absence form daily for for each child, unless your child has already been self-isolating and you have made us aware through the form. It’s critical that we know where children are, and have confirmation of it. I appreciate it can feel unnecessary, but it does help us ensure children have not gone missing. We also have a legal duty to ensure attendance is correct. Thank you.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Charles Applegate
Head Teacher