Mr Applegate
Posts by Mr Applegate:
Year 6 – Thursday 19th March
Good Morning to our lovely Year 6 children who are unable to make it in to school today!
We hope you got on well with yesterday’s learning tasks. We would love to see your English plans, maths work, handwriting or creative work from yesterday. If parents are able to do so, get them to send us a photo to We will hopefully be sharing a slideshow of your work each week!
Here is the powerpoint presentation and worksheets for today. Click the links in red for them to open. You may require ‘Quicktime’ for the sound on the powerpoint to work:
Today’s learning tasks include:
Early Morning Work – see powerpoint
Morning Challenge – see powerpoint
Maths – see powerpoint and worksheets – Mrs Silvester has even managed to record herself teaching the input for maths for 6C and 6S on slides 9, 10 and 11. Hover over the ‘play button’ on each of these slides to watch it! Apologies that 6P have a slightly different lesson. From tomorrow, we will all be on the same lesson!
English – see powerpoint
PE – we would usually spend Thursday afternoon having PE lessons so please spend some time getting out in the fresh air. Maybe you can go for a bike ride, putting your Bikeability lessons to good use. Perhaps you could go for a lovely walk? If you’d prefer to stay inside, or need to stay inside, try out Joe Wick’s workouts to do at home –
Have a wonderful day. Work hard!
Mrs Silv, Miss Pettitt & Mrs Chapman
Year 5 – Thursday 19th March
Hello Year 5s. We hope you are well and that you are all working hard, whilst giving yourself some rest and fun too. We hope that you were able to complete the jobs set yesterday and that there were not any problems accessing them.
How was the short PE activity? Did you enjoy it? Did anyone manage to get their parents, siblings or anyone else to join you? If you did, well done! Let us know how it went.
Miss Thomas is still available to email at if you have any questions, need some help, want to send a picture of your hard work or just want to say hello. Thank you to those children who already have emailed in, it has been fantastic to hear from you and see how everything is getting on. Just remember to check with an adult that it’s okay to email first.
Here are your learning jobs for Thursday. Again we have some of the same subjects as the last few days -Maths, Book Club, and English – but today we also have a topic lesson and another Grammar Hammer. It doesn’t matter too much which order you do the jobs in, but we recommend that you do Book Club before English today. This will make your English job easier.
Maths – Today you will be continuing to subtract fractions with different denominators, which also includes mixed numbers. The key skills you need for this you practised yesterday, and then you just need to subtract the whole numbers first. It includes a couple of challenge questions, which you do not have to include, but do have a go at if you can. Please let Miss T know if you manage them or even have a go, it would be fantastic to hear. To make things easier, we have created a video and uploaded it to YouTube which talks through the different sections of this job. There will be a link to this in a separate post, which is password protected, so look out for that post and the password.
Book Club – Today you have Chapter 17 to read. Then you have to describe how Anthony is feeling at the moment (throughout this chapter). You need to use APE to complete this, so it should about a paragraph in length. I have put a reminder of APE on the PowerPoint for anyone who is unsure.
English – remember it will be easier to complete English after Book Club today. In English, you will be writing a character description of the character Glass Eye.
Grammar Hammer – Complete the Grammar Hammer questions, thinking carefully about each answer.
Topic – Look through the PowerPoint, learning about the capital city of Vienna and it’s history. It focuses on the location of the city and why it was located there. Use the information provided to then write a short speech explaining why the location is perfect for it’s purpose. (More information on the PowerPoint)
Just a quick reminder, please try your best at the different jobs and think carefully about what we have done in class and how this can help you with your jobs. Remember to talk to your parents and see if they can help you, and if you’re still unsure, send an email to Miss T to ask for help. (Email address )
We are proud of you for your hard work so far and remember to keep in touch. As always, stay safe, wash your hands and continue to show all the learning behaviours towards your work as you usually do.
Mrs Poole, Miss Thomas, Mrs Stone and Miss Fowler.
Year 4 – Thursday 19th March
Good Morning Year 4
We hope that you are starting to create a routine at home. It is great to see some of your work you have sent us on the Year 4 email address – There is no expectation that you send us the work but we are very happy to have a look at it if you would like us to.
Here is your home learning for today.
At some point today, make sure you use your digital logins to play:-
- 15 minutes of numbots
- 3 rounds in garage on TTRockstars
- 1 round in soundcheck on TTRockstars
- 3 rounds in Spelling Shed
Maths – multiplication questions
Visit to find today’s maths questions. Before half term, we learnt how to use short multiplication. Children – remember to use the method you use in school to solve these questions. If you have time, you could try checking the answers using the inverse (short division).
Alternatively if you would like to view it in pdf then click below.
English – story writing
We hope you created a good plan yesterday. See the attachment below for today’s writing task – make sure you only write your first 2 paragraphs today. You can type your story or write it by hand but remember we are looking for quality rather than quantity.
Topic – Art
As part of your art learning at school, you were thinking about packaging and lettering design. Can you create your own bookmarks for your family using their names? You might want to use one of the templates below. Think carefully about how to ‘block’ the letters so that they fit in the space equally – search up the netflix logo to give you an idea.
Alternatively, you might like to explore using wordart to layer auto-shapes, word art and colour to present different names in your family. Open the document if you’re not sure how to do this. This shows how to do it in PowerPoint but Word should work in the same way.
We hope that you have a good day and look forward to hearing from you.