Year 1 – Monday 23rd March
Dear parents and children,
We hope you are doing well and had a lovely weekend. We are enjoying receiving all your lovely emails and seeing all the amazing things you are doing – well done! You can email us at:
We will continue to send work home for you, which will be split into 4 sections: English, Maths, Topic, and Ongoing Daily Activities. Please do not feel like you have to complete all of the activities provided in one day. We have given a variety so that there are options for you to choose what works best for you at home. Thank you for everything you have been doing so far – you are fantastic!
From tomorrow, Read Write Inc are kindly doing live daily phonics sessions. They are at certain times depending on which sounds you would like to practise. We suggest either Set 2 or Set 3 sounds. Find the link here: RWI Phonics
Year 1 TeamÂ
Ongoing Daily Activities
- Read for at least 20 minutes a day. This can be their school reading book or a book from home.
- Have stories read to them.
- Read or spell some key words.
- Practise naming the letters of the alphabet and sing the alphabet song (capital and lower case).
- Threading/Play dough/Cutting/Colouring/Painting
- Phonicsplay Obb and Bob (Click: Phase 5 – Revise all Phase 5):
- Phonicsbloom – Phase 5 or 6 (Especially useful if phonicsplay is not working for you)
- Practise writing sentences about a story they know. When writing, please remind them to use full stops, capital letters, neat handwriting and finger spaces.
- Practise counting from 0-100 (forwards and backwards)
- Practise counting in 2’s and 5’s
- Numbots (login is in the back of the reading log)
- Name some 2D and 3D shapes
- One more and one less than a number
- Sing a number bonds song
- Hit the button (number bonds to 20):Â
Spelling: Their spellings this week are:
full |
house |
love |
so |
to |
where |
Wednesday’s English activity focuses on different ways to practise these spellings.
- You can practise these in a variety of ways:
- Saying them aloud (you could put them into a song)
- Writing them down
- Painting them
- Put them into a sentence
We are continuing to learn about ‘Mrs Armitage on Wheels’ this week today. If you need a reminder of the story you can read the book again or watch Miss Jamieson read it in the video attached to this post.
Practise retelling the story to someone in your family. You could show your grown up how to make an S plan if you would like to! There is a video on how to do that too. Can you act out any part of the story? What was your favourite part of the story and why? Talk about this to someone in your family. You could draw and write about your favourite part. Use these slides to help you.
Today we will be practising our counting of objects. Can you find some different sets of objects, e.g. cars, beads, pasta, stones, sticks, teddies etc. and count each set. See if you can write the number down to show what you’ve counted. Can you work out if it is easier to group them into sets of 2, 5 or 10 to count them?
Grouping the objects will make it easier to count the large set of objects. Which group has more or less? Once you have practised counting the objects, there is a sheet which you could complete to continue your learning. Click here: Maths Mon 23rd March
- Heartsmart: We have been thinking about ‘Too much selfie isn’t healthy’ at school and how we can be kind to others. In particular, we have been looking at how we can keep ourselves and others safe and happy online. Talk to your grown up about different ways you can stay safe online. Can you think of some advice for Boris to help him stay safe on his tablet? You can complete the sheet attached HERE if you would like or draw your ideas on paper.
Video Resources
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Mrs Armitage story by Miss Jamieson
S-Plan for Mrs Armitage by Miss Hall