Good Morning Year 1
Dear parents and children,
We hope you are well and are enjoying the spring weather. Have you spotted any signs of spring in your garden?
If you’re looking for something extra to do today, check out Punctuation Pals and see if you can help put the capital letters in the right place! Find it here: Punctuation Pals
Remember, you can use Numbots to practise all sorts of different areas of maths. Find your login in the back of your reading log. If you are having any trouble accessing Numbots, feel free to email us at:
Thank you again for all the fantastic things you are doing. We hope you have a lovely day!
Year 1 Team
Helpful Reminders
We are still checking our emails regularly and have loved seeing what you are doing. Feel free to email us if you have a question or just want to say hello at:
You can access our general resources to support your child at home here: Y1 General Resources
Please do not feel like you have to complete all of the activities provided in one day. We have given a variety so that there are options for you to choose what works best for you at home.
Read Write Inc are kindly doing live daily phonics sessions. They are at certain times depending on which sounds you would like to practise. We suggest either Set 2 or Set 3 sounds. Find the link here: RWI Phonics
If you are running out of reading material, you can try Oxford Owl.You need to make a free parent account but it gives to access to some Oxford Reading Tree e-books that we use at school. Make sure you are reading a book that is at your child’s band. If they are finding this band too easy, you could try a songbird book from the band above.
Alternatively, you can find free Big Cat ebooks by following the steps linked here: Big Cat ebooks.
Ongoing Daily Activities
- Read for at least 20 minutes a day. This can be their school reading book or a book from home.
- Have stories read to them.
- Read or spell some key words.
- Practise naming the letters of the alphabet and sing the alphabet song (capital and lower case).
- Threading/Play dough/Cutting/Colouring/Painting
- Read Write Inc speed sound videos (linked in helpful reminders)
- Phonicsplay Obb and Bob (Click: Phase 5 – Revise all Phase 5):
- Phonicsbloom – Phase 5 or 6 (Especially useful if phonicsplay is not working for you)
- Practise writing sentences about a story they know. When writing, please remind them to use full stops, capital letters, neat handwriting and finger spaces.
- Practise counting from 0-100 (forwards and backwards)
- Practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
- Numbots (login is in the back of the reading log)
- Name some 2D and 3D shapes
- One more and one less than a number
- Sing a number bonds song
- Hit the button (number bonds to 20):
English – Phonics
As our English activity today, we are focusing on phonics. We will be looking at alternate sounds today (more than one way of writing the same sound). You could watch the Read Write Inc video on Set 2 and 3 sounds live at 10:00 and 10:30 here: RWI Youtube as this would a great start to this activity. Afterwards, the clip is available for 24 hours on the RWI youtube channel.
After practising some speed sounds, have a look at these sounds:
What do you notice about them? What is the same? What is different?
They all make the same sound! They use different letters though.
Sound out and blend these green words. Can you be a great detective and work out which word has which igh/ie/i-e sound?
Alternate igh ie i-e Green Words
Here are some activities you could complete if you would like to continue learning about igh, ie and i-e:
- Monster Words – Sound out and blend the words. Draw a monster next to the words that are not real words (monster words!). Can you tell someone at home which igh/ie/i-e sound is in the word? Click here: monster words igh ie i-e
- Snakes and Ladders – Roll a dice and move that amount of spaces. Sound out and blend the word before moving to the next person’s turn. If your square has a ladders, you can climb it but if it has a snake, you have to slide down. The winner is the first person to reach the finish square. See if you can tell someone at home which igh/ie/i-e sound the words have. Find the game here: Snakes and Ladders igh ie i-e
- Phonics Play: Dragons Den! Choose igh (Phase 3), ie or i-e (Phase 5) or enter your own words. Click here: Dragons Den – Phonicsplay
- Write each sound on different pieces of paper and see if you can make a word that has an igh/ie/i-e sound in it. You could choose a word from the table above, or think of your own. For example:
Lesson 2 – Measuring Mass
Before starting, have another go at being a human scale! Remember to say your sentence: ‘The ___ is heavier than the ___.’ ‘The ___ is lighter than the ___.’
This lesson is looking at finding out how much objects weigh using non-standard unit measurements. Non-standard units are objects that do not use grams, kilograms etc. For example, this object weighs the same as _ cubes. Have a watch of the video. What do you spot? While watching the video and doing your job can you join in with the sentence? ‘The ___ weighs the same as ___ cubes.’
Watch the Week 1, Lesson 2 Video Here – Measuring Mass Video
When you have watched the video, click here to access the activity: Weight Activity – Lesson 2
If you would like the answers, they are attached here: Weight Activity – Lesson 2 ANSWERS
We have prepared some extra challenges for those who would like them. You can find them here: Lesson 2 Challenges
- Spelling: Today we are focusing on our spelling sounds for the week. The words we are looking at this week are:
Use these slides for ideas on how to practise spelling these words at home: Spelling Slides
Here are the activities outlined in the spelling slides if you would like to complete them: Spelling Activities
- PE: Today we are thinking about how to get our heart beating faster. Have a go at our PE circuit! Find it here: Year 1 PE Circuit A
Alternatively, you could follow one of Joe Wicks workout sessions here: Joe Wicks Workout
When you are finished, talk to someone at home about how your body feels. What do you notice about your:
- Heartbeat – Is it faster or slower?
- Breathing – Is it lighter or heavier?
- Temperature – Do you feel hot or cold?