Good Morning to our Super-duper Year 6!
Well Year 6 we have made it through to the last day of two very strange weeks of learning from home. A massive well done to everyone who has been following the daily lessons and just trying their best. We couldn’t be more proud of you. One last big effort today please from us all and then we can put our feet up and watch movies for the Easter holidays.
Over the Easter holidays, we will be posting a daily greeting and for those of you who may be a little bored one day, there will be some ideas of activities you can do at home. For those who just want to watch movies and play with your Lego and games, go for it. This is what holidays are all about,
We wish all our families a very Happy Easter and hope you get to share special times together.
Mrs Silvester, Miss Pettitt and Mrs Chapman
Helpful Reminders
Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password, need some help, want to show us your work or even just say hello! Please get your grown up’s permission before you email us. We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!
Presentation – Please remember to do your very best work. Handwriting and presentation are as important at home as they are in school. You can complete your work in a book or if you need lined or squared paper you can get it here.
Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities and can do independently. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.
Ongoing Daily Activities
As well as the learning tasks we upload each day, there are a few ‘extras’ that you could have a go at, if you get time.
TTRockstars – Play 5 garage games + 5 studio games. Mrs Chapman will be online at 11am today in the Year 6 Arena area provided the website is running properly. Her TT Rockstar name is Zander Madden and will play games in the Wembley Stadium area.
Reading – Read for at least 20 minutes every day.
Weekly spellings – Practise these everyday in your spelling booklets – your new weekly sheet will be uploaded each Monday. Please notice that number 9 on the main spelling sheet has changed by having the prefix ‘dis’ added as the original sheet had the word ‘honest’ appear twice.
Download here: Spellings less tricky Spellings Main
Your weekly success in seven for this week: Success in Seven week 6
Daily physical activity of some sort – it’s great to hear so many of you are getting energetic with Joe each morning. This is a great way to stay fit and wake up your brain.
Today’s answers for Success in Seven are here Friday’s Success in 7 answers
For your main maths lesson today, we would like you all to watch the video about scale factors – Week 1 Lesson 5. This is all about how many times bigger or smaller a shape has been made in maths.
You should all be able to have a go at answering questions 1, 2 and 3.
If you want to go further and challenge yourself with the second page of questions 4, 5. 6 and 7 then please have a go – but it’s not expected. For question 4 there are no answers and it will be tricky to do without printing the sheet. For question 6 you will have to multiply by one and a half. Remember to do this, first find one group of the number, then find half a group of that number and finally add those two answers to give you one and a half times the number e.g. 30 x 1 1/2 = one group of 30 plus 1/2 a group of 30 = 30 + 15 =45
Remember today is your spelling test day. Have a revision session before asking to be tested by someone at home. Send us a photo of your results to get a recognition point.
That’s it for English today as your RE lesson will take quite a bit of time.
Religious Education
We are going to link the story of Easter with the idea of salvation today and also look at how Christians mark the special days of Good Friday, when Jesus was crucified, and Easter Sunday, when he rose again.
Follow the PowerPoint below. There is a lot to read and discuss (or just think about if there’s no one to join you in a discussion). You will only need to record (neatly please) in your books in response to Challenge 2. Have a ruler ready to divide your page down the middle.
The End!