Agents of Change
At St Mark’s CofE Primary School, we believe it’s crucial that our children see themselves as those who make a positive impact on our world. We help them to see themselves as “Agents of Change”, making our world a better place through their simple actions. We have to be the change to see the change!
This may start at school- for example, in the classroom, on the playground, bringing a smile, sharing resources, or playing together.
It also impacts our local community -for example doing a litter pick, writing a letter/email to cheer someone up, leaving surprise flowers at residents doorsteps, raising money for St Michael’s Hospice, or sending cards to local residential homes.
We also look wider afield. We write to companies to encourage more environmentally friendly ways of working, and raise money for special charities like RSPCA and Great Ormond Street Hospital. We also support The Mud House Children’s Foundation, our partner charity in Tanzania.
This may start at school- for example, in the classroom, on the playground, bringing a smile, sharing resources, or playing together.
It also impacts our local community -for example doing a litter pick, writing a letter/email to cheer someone up, leaving surprise flowers at residents doorsteps, raising money for St Michael’s Hospice, or sending cards to local residential homes.
We also look wider afield. We write to companies to encourage more environmentally friendly ways of working, and raise money for special charities like RSPCA and Great Ormond Street Hospital. We also support The Mud House Children’s Foundation, our partner charity in Tanzania.
Examples include…
- Supporting and liaising with Mud House Foundation (see our newsletter here)
- Littering picking as shown by Jack, Liam and Sophie in our newsletter here.
- Looking at local and international heros who make a difference, like this.
- See some our ‘Change our World‘ activities from 2019. We’ve been at this for a while!