Year 5 Spring Term so far

What a brilliant start to 2020!

Excellent English

In English, the children have been working their socks off and creating some exceptional pieces of work. They begun the term learning about the Ancient Greek city states of Athens and Sparta and contrasting different aspects of these. The children then wrote persuasive arguments in order to convince others of whether Athens or Sparta (which ever they chose) was the superior state. 

The children then began reading ‘The Adventures of Odysseus’ in Book Club, before moving onto studying the book in English. Designs of new Greek mythical creatures have been created in preparation for writing new adventures for Odysseus. The children then wrote non-chronological reports and kenning poems about these creative creatures. 

Amazing Art

Art has been really exciting this half term so far as the children have been exploring how the Ancient Greek used decorative columns as a part of their building designs – these designs are also still used today! Over the next few weeks, we will be making these out of clay! Then in DT, the children have been designing Ancient Greek chariots, which used to be raced in the Olympic games, ready to start making next week.

Marvellous Maths 

What a lot of new methods the children have been securing over the last few weeks. For multiplication, the children have practised the short method for when they are multiplying by a one digit number and then also learned the long method for when they are multiplying by a two digit number. This long method was super tricky to learn and took quite a bit of resilience to master. In division, the children have been learning the short method (also known as bus stop), showing remainders when appropriate too. 

Wonderful Worships

‘No Way Through Isn’t True’ has been main focus for our worships this half term and we have also been thinking about the Christian value of Hope – in relation to this. This week, the children created beautiful hope jars during their class worships where they reflected upon phrases of hope which could support them and others during darker times.