Year 3 – Red, White and Blue day

What an exciting day we had in Year 3! It was lovely to see all the children dressed in red, white and blue clothes today. The children were extremely excited this morning when arriving in their classrooms to find a locked suitcase. We started the morning by predicting why we were dressed in these colours and what might be in the suitcase. We decided it was too small to have all of our clothes in to go on holiday! We then tried to have a guess at the codes for the padlocks but had no luck.

The children then completed a scavenger hunt to find different clues. The clues were maths problems to solve but had the children intrigued, as they talked about euros and pounds. Once they found the answers they had to unscramble the word ‘flag’ which lead to some more calculations before eventually finding the code to open the padlock ‘2652’. 







They then completed many activities that were found in the suitcase to learn about the facts on our knowledge organiser and about our new topic. The children had a super day and created some of their own flags only using red, white and blue. 

We hope they are as excited about our new topic as we are. The children have brought home their knowledge organisers and topic information for this half term. Please share this with your child and place it in a prominent place at home so that they learn all our facts.

Find our knowledge organiser here and our topic web Red, White and Blue topic web here. 

Year 3 team