Year R Spring term learning: Spring to Life!
The children so enjoyed our topic last term ‘People Who Help Us.’ The highlight was a visit from the police service; thank you to PCSO’s Emma and Dom for taking the time to visit us. Throughout the term the children demonstrated so much curiosity about each role and particularly enjoyed exploring their learning through role play. They were introduced to lots of new vocabularly and facts and we hope the children enjoyed sharing their learning with you at home.
Chinese New Year was another highlight last half term. The children were very enthused and had a wonderful time learning about this special Chinese celebration and taking part in our own parade complete with dragon dancing, singing and music making!
This half term our topic is ‘Spring to life!’ Please click here to read this term’s newsletter which briefly outlines the topic and explains a little about what we will be focussing on across the curriculum. As always, you can find more information about what we have been learning each day on Tapestry in our ‘Walk and Talk’ post.
At the end of this term the children will be meeting with their Year 6 buddies for an Easter event. More information about this will follow nearer the time.
A reminder that on Friday 7th March we will be celebrating World Book Day (please note this is a day after the official World Book Day). More information can be found about how we are celebrating as a school in our most recent newsletter.
We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s progress at Parents Evening on Tuesday 4th or Wednesday 5th March. These appointments are aimed solely at parents so we ask that you come without your children please. If this isn’t possible and you need to bring your child, please bring something to keep them occupied while we speak to you separately. Thank you.
Finally, you will have seen in the last newsletter that we are in the process of making changes to some parts of our outdoor area, to enhance the provision the children have for their outdoor learning. Please could we ask you to take a look here to see if you have any items at home which you might be able to donate? If you can help, please either speak to your child’s class teacher or email us at Thank you.
We look forward to another exciting term with your children!
The Year R Team