18 October 2024 – Newsletter – Survey, BBC and FOSM Updates, and Luke Murphy MP visit


  • Please can you complete our parent survey here. One per child. Thanks! We really value your feedback.
  • We will be holding a sibling photo session on 18th November.  On this day, we will also arrange to take the photos of any children who were absent for the September photo session. 
  • For those who bring in YoYo snacks in lunches, remember we don’t do trading cards in school. It can really cause chaos!
  • Book Fair coming soon – keep an eye out for an email with all the details.

Have a great weekend, Charles

Homework and Learning

W/B 21st October
Breakfast Club

Did you know we offer a daily breakfast club with 3 different start times?

The sessions are as follows:

Sessions with our supervised drop-off system in the school car park:

  • 7.30am with breakfast -£5.00 per day
  • 8.00am with breakfast – £2.75 per day

Sessions where you will need to park off-site and walk in:

  • 8.20am without breakfast – £1 per day

Farewell Mrs Wood :(

Mrs Wood, one of our LSAs in Year 5, will be finishing at St Mark’s next Friday. She has worked at St Mark’s for over 8 years, working in a variety of year groups and roles. We will miss her, and wish her all the best in her new adventures: she is going on to work for a charity that helps adults overcome their barriers to employment. Thank you for all you’ve given, Mrs Wood!

St Mark’s pupils making a difference to our community

BBC Radio

BBC South Today


FOSM Updates

A huge thank you to you and our FOSM team for helping our children. Recent purchases from your giving include:

  • New PE equipment – used in all year groups
  • New Chromebooks and headphones- used for computing lessons and interventions
  • Sand for our Year R and Year 1 sand pits, as well as storage sheds
  • Astro turf for outside Year 1 and Year 2
  • Wireless microphones for school performances for all year groups
  • Ongoing resources for the farm and forest school
  • A new paper trimmer
  • … and Friday’s disco raised over £1,000 – amazing!

🍬🍭 Sweet Jars 🍭🍬

blankThank you so much to those of you who have already sent in a sweet jar for the Sweet Tombola at the Christmas Fayre. If you would like to help, please can we ask that the sweets are wrapped – see picture.  The jars can be jam jars, pasta sauce jars any kind or size, as long as they are clean. Any donations would be greatly received. Thank you!  

St Mark’s Photo Reel

⭐ Star Learners ⭐


⭐ Star Readers ⭐


⭐ Quietest Classes⭐

Puffins and 3P

⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐

Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.

Our current attendance percentage is 97%  😊

Weekly Attendance by Class


School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs

View the full calendar here. Subscribe on either Chrome/ Android or Apple


In worship this week…


Music of the Week

Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921)

Saint-Saens was a French composer. Danse Macabre means Dance of Death. Can you hear the harp at the beginning of the piece of music playing a single note 12 times? This is to represent midnight.

Being a parent is tough!

Community News

Red Riding Hood

The Parish of Basingstoke Down is delighted to offer you a family treat this festive season! We have invited Saltmine Theatre to bring their production of ‘Red Riding Hood’ to Hatch Warren Community Centre on Saturday 23rd November, 6-8pm. This modern-day twist on a classic fairy tale with a positive message about belonging is now open for booking. Do join us!

We are charging a small fee for tickets- £3 for individuals and £10 for a family of up to five. All of the money that we raise will be shared between the charities supported by St Mark’s School (in the case of St Mark’s it will go to the Mud House Foundation) and Kempshott Juniors (in the case of Kempshott Juniors it will go to the Lily Foundation). See you there!

Click here to buy your tickets!


Regular Notices

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