19 July 2024 – Newsletter – including reminders for the end of term, goodbyes and more

A note from Mr Applegate


Monday – Olympic Cultural Day – Non-Uniform:  On Monday, we’ll be learning about the cultures of different countries taking part in the Olympics. We’d love for the children to come in non-uniform, hopefully of any colour in their class’s country flag. The list is here! Suitable footwear is required as there will be aspects of sport during the day. No need to give any change – just enjoy the day!


Well done to…

  • Our amazing Year 6 pupils for their performance of Madagascar – a real hit! They had a very special Leavers Service today, too. Enjoy the Leavers disco tonight!
  • All our pupils for their attitude, behaviour and efforts this week, especially on our transition day. We hope you enjoyed the reports!


  • Have you done our parent survey? Click here. Closes on Tuesday
  • We finish at normal time on Tuesday 23rd July.
  • Children return on Wednesday 4th September, 8:30-8:50am. (New Year Rs have a different timetable)
  • School Calendar for next year is here.
  • School Bags – only year 6 pupils are allowed standard back packs due to space. Years R-5 are available to purchase online here.
  • To book a farm slot to look after our animals – we have lots of free slots! www.stmarksprimary.net/farmbooking
  • Any library books need to be returned and any outstanding debts paid by Tuesday.

Mr Applegate :)

Thank you, Mrs Delves!

Late this week, Mrs Delves secured a promotion to Pastoral Support Worker, and will be leading a team at her new school. Mrs Delves has been with us since 2019, first as an LSA, and now as part of our pastoral team. We want to thank her for all that she has done, helping both families and children to navigate the challenges and joys of life. We wish her all the best in her new role!

Thank you, Lollipop Jane!

Jane, one of our fab lollipop ladies, is sadly finishing in this role due to personal circumstances. She has been amazing in helping keep our pupils safe, and always with a smile. We are so grateful to her and wish her all the best! (If you are intersted in the vacancy, details are here).

School Dinners from September

… will be increasing in price from £2.80 to £3 from September. This is the first increse in many years. Most other schools are £3.20 or more.

Change of Menu on Tuesday

The menu options on Tuesday 23rd July will be different to that previously published. As our Friday menu is a firm favourite of the children, Pabulum have agreed to serve fish and chips etc on the last day of term! We will have the menu, standard and allergy, as per Friday of week 3 on Tuesday 23rd.’

Penalty Notices (Fines) from September

A heads up! From September, the government are increasing fines for poor attendance (those less than 90% are a real focus) and holidays during term time. They are also putting measures in place to stop holidays being taken year after year in school time, meaning that it won’t be the case that you can just ‘pay the fine’. The second time a fine is issued within 3 years, the fine will be double, and the third time within 3 years, a fine won’t be issued and the case will be presented at a magistrates court (with a likely higher fine and record). We’ll update you more in September.

FOSM Events for 2024 2025

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A special word from FOSM

As Chair of FOSM, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended or supported our fundraising events and projects this year. With your support, we have raised over £22,000 through School Discos, the Summer Fun Day, the Christmas Fayre, the Easter Egg Hunt, Bags to School, Raffles, Non-Uniform Days, ‘Nearly New Uniform’ sales, and other essential revenue sources, including a sponsored walk by Aidan and Mike. This year, we have purchased or contributed towards laptops, microphones, the farm, musical instruments, trikes, Forest School, and much more.

FOSM consists of 10 parents and 3 staff members who volunteer their time for monthly meetings to organise and run fundraising events and projects. We couldn’t manage these events without other volunteers, so we sincerely thank those who have helped this year, especially those who volunteered at multiple events. We have occasionally been short of volunteers, so if you’d like to join our volunteer list, please email Vicky (secretary.fosm@stmarksce.org.uk). We will simply reach out before an event to see if anyone can spare 1-2 hours to help. If every parent volunteered at just one event during their child’s time at St Mark’s, we’d never be short of volunteers again. Volunteering could involve running a game at the fun day, serving drinks at a disco, or helping in any other way.

We will be hosting the AGM at school on Monday, 9th September, at 7:45 PM. This annual meeting will include brief financial reports and a quick look back at the past 12 months. Any parent is welcome to attend, and attendance doesn’t mean you’ll be expected to join the FOSM committee, but it will give you an insight into how and where the money is spent and who is on the committee. There may also be flapjacks and brownies. Unfortunately, children cannot attend the AGM.

Finally, for any children or parents who are coming to the end of their St Mark’s journey, thanks for your support and we wish you the best of luck in the future. For those returning in September, enjoy the summer!

With much love, FOSM

Dave, Philippa, Vicky, Paul, Cheryl, Claire, Sarah, Lyndsey, Nicola, Lee, Nina, Hannah & Terri


Buying new uniform? See here for their pricelist and also top-tips from Skoolkit

Quality Second-hand jumpers

blankJust email uniform.fosm@stmarksce.org.uk .Jumpers and cardigans cost £2 and all funds go straight back to the school!

Look after our animals!

We need your help!

St Mark’s PhotoReel

Instrumental Tuition 2024/25

Apologies we have not yet received confirmation from Hampshire Music Services of the full timetable for instrumental lessons in 2024/25.

We hope to be able to confirm this by Tuesday, if not we will confirm a partial timetable by Tuesday. 

⭐ Star Learners ⭐



⭐ Star Readers ⭐


⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐

Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.

Our current attendance percentage is 96.1%. Oh no :(

Weekly Attendance by Class



School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs

View the full calendar here. Subscribe on either Chrome/ Android or Apple


In worship this week… 

Music of the Week

In the Steppes of Central Asia by Borodin

This piece was composed by Russian composer Alexander Borodin in 1880 during the Romantic era.

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