12 July 2024 – Newsletter – including optional late start on Monday!!

A note from Mr Applegate

blankDue to the Euros final on Sunday night, we’ll be doing an optional late start on Monday morning. We”ll be running as normal, including breakfast club, but if you’d like to bring your child in at 10am instead of 8:30am, that’s fine. The gates will be open at 10-10:15am.

Well done to…

  • Our artists who created an amazing gallery at school this week, and Miss Burgess for co-ordinating it!
  • Our Year R pupils who took part in a pretend wedding on Thursday!
  • Our FOSM team for running the Disco on Friday evening. Super work as always :)
  • The 12 volunteers who helped move furniture on Thurs evening, and Theo’s (Y5) dad who made it all possible.


  • Year 3 parents – African drimming concert on Tuesday. Class 3W 9:25 – 9:55. 3D 10.25-10.55. 3SG 11.25-11.55
  • School Reports get emailed later on Wednesday. Children also meet their new class and teacher on this day.

It was also good to spend time discussing school issues with Cllr Stacey Hart today, including traffic, parking, school crossing patrols and school finance.

Mr Applegate :)

School Dinners from September

… will be increasing in price from £2.80 to £3 from September. This is the first increse in many years. Most other schools are £3.20 or more.

Fines from September!

A heads up! From September, the government are increasing fines for poor attendance (those less than 90% are a real focus) and holidays during term time. They are also putting measures in place to stop holidays being taken year after year in school time, meaning that it won’t be the case that you can just ‘pay the fine’. The second time a fine is issued within 3 years, the fine will be double, and the third time within 3 years, a fine won’t be issued and the case will be presented at a magistrates court (with a likely higher fine and record). We’ll update you more in September.

Olympics Cultural Day – Monday 22nd July! 

The Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics is only two weeks away!  At St Mark’s we want to mark this incredible sporting event with our very own Olympics Cultural Day! This will take place on Monday 22nd July. 
Each class has chosen a country for the day. Please send your children in non-school uniform which includes at least 1 colour from the flag of that country. Click here to see which country your child’s class has. 
The day will include lots activities linked to the country as well as a sporting activity.  We are looking forward to a fun filled day! 

Look after our animals!

We need your help!

St Mark’s PhotoReel

Instrumental Lessons only on Thursday next week. 

All HMS Instrumental teachers have now finished for this school year. 

There will however still be guitar lessons with Mr Maycock on Thursday 18th July. 

⭐ Star Learners ⭐


⭐ Star Readers ⭐


⭐ Quietest Classes ⭐

2B & 4SB

⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐

Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.

Our current attendance percentage is 96.1%. Oh no :(

Weekly Attendance by Class


School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs

View the full calendar here. Subscribe on either Chrome/ Android or Apple


In worship this week… 


Music of the Week

Le Onde (The Waves) by Ludovico Einaudi

This was contemporary Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi’s first big hit in 1996. It evokes images of the rhythms and patterns of the ocean.

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