Fire! Fire!


Year 2 have been having lots of fun learning about the Great Fire of London. We’ve used the 5 W’s of Newspaper reporting (Who, Where, What, When, Why) to find out all of the key facts about how the fire started and why it spread so quickly. We’ve used these facts to write some amazing newspaper reports that you will be able to see in their books when you visit us on parent’s evening. Do use the Knowledge Organiser that we sent home to test your child on the facts. We’re sure you’ll be surprised about how much they now know.

We’re currently investigating fire safety in our school to help the children understand that fire safety has hugely improved since the Great Fire of London.


The children are also excited because we have introduced Times tables RockStars today. They will be coming home with their login details tomorrow. These will be inside their homework books. When they log in they will be able to create their own avatar and then will complete a short skills test game called the ‘Gig’. This may contain some challenging questions that your children will probably not currently be able to do. Please don’t worry about this. This is used to create a baseline to show how your child improves with their mental maths skills throughout their school career. The children will then be able to access our year group section of RockStars where they will be able to develop their skills with their 2 times tables. If you have any questions, please pop in and speak to your class teacher.


We look forward to seeing you all at one of our parent’s evenings.

Year 2 Team