4th Feb – Bumper Newsletter including Safer Internet Day details

A note from Mr Applegate

  • Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 8th Feb – Non-uniform – details below!
  • It was great to welcome Maria Miller MP to St Mark’s this morning to speak to our school council and Year 6!
  • Could you or someone you know save us £1200 by changing lightbulbs?! We have 6 units in the main hall that need changing. They are 8m high, and scaffolding is required. Let us know if so! Thank you.
  • Thank you to 2B for doing their act of kindness this week, by doing a garden tidy-up around Year 2!
  • Has your job or financial circumstances changed? Your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, and additional funding for the school. Find out here. It’s easy for us to check!
  • Is your child a Young Carer? We’d like to run an after school club especially for Young Carers. Please email the office if your child might be interested. It’s a great way for your child to know there are other children who have additional responsibilities at home. Find our more about Young Carers here.

Have a great weekend! Mr Applegate

Safer Internet Day – and win a prize for your teacher!


  • Download our letter with more information here.
  • Wear anything orange and/or blue on Tues 8th to celebrate SID!
  • At home, talk about and sign the family agreement (download here). We would ask that you share this document with your children and spend some time reflecting on its content. Rather than returning the form, please display it where it can be seen and not forgotten so that you can refer back to it regularly. Complete this google form to say you’ve done it – the first class to complete it wins their teacher a prize!
  • What’s Natterhub?! This year, we have committed to raising the profile of internet safety even further by introducing a weekly Digital Citizenship lesson called Natterhub. Natterhub is an online safety teaching tool which has been developed specifically for children at primary school.

Mrs Greer

We are very sad that Mrs Greer will be finishing at St Mark’s on 18th Feb. Over the past 12 years, Mrs Greer has been on our lunchtime team, LSA team, office team and pastoral team. She wears many hats even in her current role as pastoral lead and family support worker! Mrs Greer has provided support and care to so many children, families and staff, and we are grateful to her for all that she has given. We calculate she has worked with around 150 children in a 1-1 pastoral basis. Mrs Greer will be working with vulnerable children in another county, and we know she will be amazing in her new role. If you’d like to, feel free to write an email to her to say thank you!

Happy Chinese New Year!

FOSM Readathon!

Click here to download the sponsorship form!

Backpacks and clear wallets

Don’t forget to use the clear wallets inside the drawstring bags. This is to protect any books/paper from getting wet or damaged by other items in the bag. Need a replacement wallet? Just ask your teacher! Thanks.

Boris is changing his statement

No, not our prime minister. Boris the Robot!

His principle of “Don’t Rub It In, Rub It Out”, is being renamed to “Don’t Hold Onto What’s Wrong”.


Staffing Update

We welcome Mrs Rogers, Mrs Andrews-Peterson, and Mrs Gale to our LSA team. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Edmonds as our new School Business Manager, starting 14th Feb!

Parents’ Evenings

We’ll be sending out booking details on 14th Feb.

Parents’ Eve (1/3) – Weds 16th March – 4-6:30pm
Parents’ Eve (2/3) – Weds 23rd March – 3:40-5:50pm
Parents’ Eve (3/3) – Weds 30th March – 4-6pm

Hatch Warren Community Centre Car Park

Remember, use of the car park is not guarenteed. If we don’t obey the signs, not only could someone be hurt, but we won’t be allowed to use the car park.

Do you live near Old Down Park? Vote for it to become a local nature reserve!

Click here for details!

Star Learners

Star Learner Awards:

  • Year R: Ethan, Aimee, Emily-Rose
  • Year 1:  Ella, Jack, Charlotte
  • Year 2:  Amber, Charlie, Mia
  • Year 3:  Charlotte, Ethan, Jacob
  • Year 4: Toby, Isla, Taya
  • Year 5: Matheus, Ethan, Tanisha
  • Year 6:  Ben M, Jessica W, Reece

Rock Stars 

Amazing effort :
  • Year 3: Jacob, Oscar, Sophia, Charlotte
  • Year 4: George P, Oscar, Marianna, Ruby
  • Year 5: Iremide, Elsie, Scarlett E, Harry A
  • Year 6:  Craig, Sophie, Lottie H, Kai

Most active class in each year group:

  • Year 3: 3SB (78% active players this week)
  • Year 4: 4H & 4PG (47% active players this week)
  • Year 5: 5P (70% active players this week)
  • Year 6: 6B (43% active players this week)
Numbots best effort:
  • Year1: Daniel N, Lucas, Sophie
  • Year 2:  Olivia H, Eli, Darcie

Star Reader Awards:

  • Year 1: Luke, Ruby, Harper
  • Year 2: Emily, Noah K, Owen
  • Year 3: Nathan, Zach, Poppy
  • Year 4: Cullen, Theo A, George H
  • Year 5: Luke, Georgia, Emilia
  • Year 6: Neve, Gemma, Thomas



  • Friday 8th April 2022

  • Monday 6th June 2022


  • Thursday 1st September 2022

  • Friday 2nd September 2022

  • Tuesday 3rd January 2023

  • Friday 31st March 2023

  • Monday 5th June 2023

Music of the week!

Hans Zimmer is a German composer. He composes most of his music for films. You will also hear his music played in films such as The Lion King and Madagascar.

Go Team GB!!

Click here to watch a video that we shared in worship this morning!


In worship this week…

We’re thinking about role models!

Year 6 Programming Islamic Art in Python Language!

Just amazing! Click here to see the code!

FOSM – Support Our School!

About FOSM

The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.

Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879

Join our Facebook group here.

Regular Notices

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