23rd July Newsletter -End of Year Message


Parent Governor Update

  • Thank you to everyone who voted for our parent governor vacancy.
  • It was a close vote, but well done to James Magner who recieved the most votes.
  • A huge thank you to everyone who put themselves forward. We really apprecaite it.

Covid Updates

  • If your child tests positive (LFD or PCR) before Monday 26th July, please let us know at the covid email address. We will need to identify close contacts at school. If your child tests positive from Monday 26th July, call 119.
  • Self-isolation guidance doesn’t change until 16th August, despite recent relaxations.
  • See the end of this post for details about isolation rules from 16th August for children and adults.

Message from Mr Applegate


Lunchtime Vacancy

Are you interested in joining our lunchtime team? The hours are 11:45am to 1:30pm, 5 days per week, term time only. Salary is £3609, working out to be £9.25/hour. 

If you are interested, please complete this application form and email it to the school office! Thank you. Closing date is 16th August

Star Learners

Well done to:

  • YR: Ayaan, Mathea, Thomas
  • Y1: Ava, Riaz
  • Y2: Ben, Emily, Matilda
  • Y3: Theo A, 
  • Y4: Megan, Dylan R, Sam L

Rock Stars best effort:

Year 2: Summer W, Hannah T, Benjamin T, Grace S, Isla S, Poppy H
Year 3: Jeffrey C, Charlotte W, Ella B, Harry B, Elizabeth B
Year 4: Anaya O, Irebami A, Iremide A, Sam L, Noah W
Year 5: Joseph W, Jessica R
Year 6: Matilda H, Katie D, Oliver P, Daniel H
Most played this academic year:
Year 2: Freyja O
Year 3: Elizabeth B
Year 4: Irebami A
Year 5: Brody P
Year 6: Ollie R
Fastest in the School:
Bela F from Year 6 and Brody P from Year 5 – joint first place with an astounding average speed of 0.58 seconds per question!

Numbots best effort:

Year 2: Elijah B, Ewan B, Freyja O
Year 1: Lola H, Ben G, Maksim

Lollipop crossing lower Woodbury Road

Advance notice that there will not be anyone available at this crossing at the beginning of the new school year.

Graham, the Lollipop man, will be back on 13th September 2021.

Skoolkit Uniform

School Nursing – Newsletter

Brighton Hill Open Evening

Summer Holiday Childcare


FOSM – Support Our School!

About FOSM

The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.

Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879

Join our Facebook group here.

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