The Iron Man by Year 3

The children are thoroughly enjoying our project based around the Iron Man. In science we have been using magnets to investigate their uses. We have watched how they have a magnetic force and can make a paperclip jump towards it. We have also made our own predictions and then investigated moving a paperclip through different materials in preparation  for making our mazes. Last week we finished our sentence stacking lessons and reread the stories we had created. We were extremely impressed! We went on to write the next section of the story on our own and have some created some poems using fabulous vocabulary where the Iron Man is Trapped. We will be writing these up next week and will share with you after. The children really have enjoyed reading The Iron Man and have created some wonderful art work from this too. 


A few updates: 

  • There is still time to buy your copy of The Iron Man on sco pay – the children that have purchased them will be bringing them home soon. 
  • The classes are preparing for our Christmas videos and the children are excited. Please check your child’s google classroom stream as we have put information on here as to any props or clothing they may need to be in for the recording day in school. These are different in all three classes so please check carefully. 
  • Homework and spellings continues on google classroom. Don’t forget you can also access the children’s reading logs on here and there are reading prizes available for the children. 

Year 3 Team