Magnificent Maths in Year 5

The children in year 5 have been amazing over the last few weeks at a range of different aspects of maths. Last week we finished our unit on column addition and subtraction, where the children were challenged to add and subtract numbers with up to 5 digits. They all worked extremely hard on this and were also able to solve a range of different challenges using these written methods.












This week, we moved onto Statistics, where we have started by looking at bar chart, pictograms and line graphs. The children have been reading information from the graphs, solving problems about the graphs and starting to draw their own graphs. We look forward to see how they continue to amaze us with the rest of our statistic unit for the rest of this week and next week.










A little reminder – please don’t forget to book a parents evening appointment if you haven’t already. There are still slots available. 

Year 5 Team