Year 3 – Thursday 16th April

Good Morning Year 3

Hello Year 3, 

Well hasn’t it been a very different Easter holiday this year? My family and I have made the most of the sunny weather over the Easter weekend and had a BBQ, sat in the garden and enjoyed playing games. Inside Scarlett and I have been busy making biscuits and decorating them, as many of the children know in my class my favourite thing to make is cakes but we didn’t have any eggs so I will do this next week after my shopping has been delivered. 

Working at home is quite different but what makes me happy is your emails and seeing you all on Zoom. We will set up another meeting very soon! What makes me proud is all the lovely messages from your grown ups that tell us how hard you are trying. Keep it up Year 3 – we will be back together soon. 

My family and I decided to make a keep sake canvas about our lockdown, so we can look back and think about all the important things. We chose to back the canvas with newspaper as there is lots going on in the news, we then wanted to draw the four of us before we decided what the key words would be to remind us of this time. We chose love, hope, together, Lockdown and NHS. I hope you like it. here it is: 

Just incase you missed them last week, I have included some of the Easter videos we have made below. Enjoy your day Year 3. 
Best wishes to you and your families. 

Mrs Boyle 

Reminders for your parents this week – Do as much or as little as you would like 

The Easter activities are included in Tuesday 14th April Post. These are aimed to provide some down time or entertainment over the break. They are completely optional and can be used as you wish as a family – if you prefer some of the activities on different year groups, please do use these. This also applies to the additional daily activities that are included. You can do as much or as little as you like.

We are still regularly checking our emails over the Easter break, so please do not hesitate to email us with any questions, concerns, to share your work with us, or just to say hello. Our email address is:

As stated on our website ‘The National Geographic’ are releasing a free children’s magazine online each day for the next three months. If you would like to access this resource, please click here.

Take a look here for some HeartSmart videos you may like to share as a family. 

Don’t forget our competition – There will be a prize on our return to school! 

Video Resources

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Have a super evening!