Year 3 – Thursday 9th April

Good Morning Year 3

Hello Year 3, I hope you are having a lovely Easter break and are managing to get out in the sunshine as much as you can. I have enjoyed being able to spend time in the garden and taking my girls out on their bikes or scooters once a day.

On Monday we posted some ideas of activities you might enjoy doing over the holidays. I have been having a go too. Yesterday I followed Mrs Boyle’s video to make a bookmark, as I need a bookmark for the new book I am reading. It’s called the Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell and I am reading it because my daughter read it and was so excited talking to me about it, it made me want to read it too. Have you been reading any good books? Maybe you could email in and tell us if you had read anything exciting. We’d love to hear!

Here is my chick bookmark. I did have to pause the video a few times to check I was folding it correctly. I’m quite pleased with it!

Below I have posted a video where I am asking you 3 Easter riddles. Can you solve them? Email us the answers if you can.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend, We will be back with you on Tuesday
Mrs Spiers


Video Resources

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Have a super evening!