Year 6 – Wednesday, 8th April, 2020

Good Morning and welcome to Wednesday, Week 1 of your Easter break!

The very strange history of the Easter Bunny

We really hope your break is going well so far and that you have had fun. If this is the first day you are checking out our Year 6 page, check out the pages for Monday and Tuesday too if you are looking for some ideas on what to do with your time today. There are some new ideas for today. Have a go doing as any many or as few as you want. This is your holiday – so do it your way!

Mrs Silvester, Miss Pettitt and Mrs Chapman 

Fun Daily Activities

Daily physical activity of some sort is still very important (and can be fun too!) so make sure you get your body moving at some point today. Go out on your bike with a family member, a lovely springtime walk or some PE exercises in the lounge or garden. Some of you might have a skipping rope. How many fast jumps can do you do in a minute?

Mrs Silvester is still up for a times table battle on TT Rockstars – she will be in the Year 6 Arena every day at 11am if you fancy joining her. Her Rockstars name is Harmony Powers. 

Some colouring-in fun

Easter Message to colour

Make an Easter card to someone you care about

Idea for an Easter card

Try to create a sketch of this really cute tortoise

Cute tortoise

Easter Bake Off

What tasty treat could you bake today? Maybe you would like to have a go at these bunny paw biscuits.

Bunny paw biscuits

Easter Maths Fun

If you have tried some of Monday’s or Tuesday’s maths ideas, you might to have a look at this maths crossword.

Year 6 maths crossword

Spring time English

Why not try writing a short fun adventure story based on the number you dice lands on.



Some more great (awful) jokes for you

  • How does the Easter Bunny stay fit? Hare-obics.
  • How does the Easter Bunny travel? By hare-plane.
  • How do you write a letter to an Easter Bunny? Use hare-mail!
  • What do you call an Easter Bunny with a bad memory? A hare-brain!
  • What do you call an Easter Bunny who gets kicked out of school? Egg-spelled.
  • What the Easter Bunny’s favorite dance move? The bunny hop.
  • What kind of bunny can’t hop? A chocolate bunny.
  • What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite sport? Basket-ball.
  • What kind of rabbit tells jokes? A funny bunny.
  • Why couldn’t the Easter Bunny watch his favorite show? Because his TV was scrambled!
  • Did you hear about the bunny who sat on a bumblebee? It’s a tender tail!
  • Where does the Easter Bunny get his eggs? From an eggplant.

The End!