Dear all,
It’s absolutely vital that all staff – whatever their role – complete the five tasks below. Some of you may have already completed tasks 2, 3, and 4, and you do not need to do them again. However many staff haven’t. Equally, you may want to refresh your training.
Please can you ensure that you do the outstanding tasks, and complete the form (via the button) at the end. This will be your confirmation that you have done all four tasks.
For the fire safety and moving and handlign training, all you need to do is read the pictures. No online quizzes needed, and no need to login into Hampshire pages!
The form must be returned by Friday 23rd April latest. Please don’t make me chase this as some of the training should have been completed in November 2019!
Remember, you don’t have to do all the tasks at the same time. You can come back when needed.
Thanks in advance, Charles.
Training Task 1 (40mins)
‘Prevent’ is the government’s strategy to support those at risk of becoming radicalised or involved in extremism.
Learning about prevent is a key part of our safeguarding training, which we would have covered on our INSET day.
Please watch all of the videos in this youtube playlist. It will take about 40minutes. Have a glass of something at the same time!
Training Task 2 (15mins)
Fire Safety E-Learning (see below or download as pptx or pdf)
Training Task 3 (15mins)
Moving and Handling E-Learning (see below or download as pptx or pdf)
Training Task 4 (40mins)
Please click on the picture below to complete the AllergyWise programme called AlleryWise For Schools. This is to do with supporting children with allergies and Anaphylaxis. Note – you will need to register (it’s free!).
Task 5 (10minutes)
Familiarise yourself with this webpage-
Optional Task
You may be be interested in this free St John’s Ambulance training. Do let Charles know if you complete any of it!