Year R – Wednesday 25th March

Good Morning Year R!

We hope you had fun playing with silly rhymes yesterday! Today we are going to be doing some Gymnastics. Last week we practised our jumps and today we are rolling! 

Parents, here is a good story to share with your children, which explains the Corona virus. It will hopefully help if your child is feeling anxious about the current changes.

Dave the dog – a story about Corona Virus.’

Also, you might have noticed that on the home page of the school’s website there is a section in the right hand column called ‘Educating Home – Some helpful resources picked by our staff’. In this section we have put copies of all the key words. Most children have a mixture of green and red words in their key word bags, so just open the Green word and Red word documents to see which words come next. The blue words are words which include Set 2 sounds (ay, ee, igh etc). If your child has already been sent home with these, then carry on. If your child hasn’t yet had these sent home, it’s fine to have a look and start recognising these sounds. You could use the videos of Set 2 sounds to help as well. 

**UPDATE**Today’s story is Owl Babies and it can be found at the bottom of this post.  You will need to type in the password and then it should load.  

Have a great day everyone!

Year R Team 

Helpful Reminders

Don’t forget you can email us on We would love to hear from you if you have a question, need a password or need some help.

You can continue to use Tapestry to share your child’s work. Please only upload one post a day. You can either choose one activity or put all the activities you complete on one post.

We look forward to hearing from you. We may not reply the same day!


The children in Year R are very rarely asked to work independently, particularly when writing. It is expected that they will need adult support to get started on all of the tasks we set for them here, and continue to need it throughout their activity. 

However, we want to continue to build their independence, so encourage them to use resources which can help them be independent like sound cards, letter formation cards for handwriting etc. 


Note for parents: Hopefully your children will enjoy working through these activities with you. We completely understand it may be difficult to complete all these tasks due to other family commitments or you are working from home, so please do not worry; complete what you can with your child.

There is absolutely no expectation that you get all, if any of these activities completed each day. 

Ongoing Daily Activities

  • Counting and sorting objects – count accurately and sort by colour/size/shape
  • Reading on Oxford Owl– you’ll need to create a parents account for this.
  • Handwriting – tracing over your alphabet card and name.
  • Keywords – practise these everyday (use those you have already but look out for our upcoming resources download page – coming soon!)
  • Phonics Play -sign in for free – Username: march20 Password: home.
  • Teach Your Monster To Read– the computer version is free.
  • Numberblocks Games on cBeebies.
  • Practise your Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 sounds with Mrs Baird. Click here.

English – Owl Babies

Before you begin, listen to Mrs Mitchell’ s new storytime video at the bottom of this post.  Can you pretend that you are one of the owl babies in their tree, waiting for Mummy? Who are you pretending to be? Sarah, Percy or Bill? What can you hear in the deep dark woods at night?

Can you write some sentences starting with ‘I can hear….’? Try to use an adjective (describing word) too e.g. ‘I can hear a spiky hedgehog in the grass.’

Use your letter formation card to help with the letter shapes if you get stuck. Don’t forget to put finger spaces between words!               

Here is a writing sheet for you to use Year R – Owl Babies Writing sheet – 25.03.20  or you can just use any piece of paper.  We have also made an updated version of our sound mats which now include all the Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds.  You might find this useful today as you complete this writing activity. Click here to download.

Maths – Numberblocks: Blast Off!

Today we are going to watch a new Numberblocks episode. Here is a link: Numberblocks: Blast Off!

Once you have watched it, see if you can make each numberblock using resources at home. You might have some cubes, lego bricks or Mega bloks you could use, or you could lay counting objects on the carpet in rows to represent the ‘towers’. Can you put them in order from 1-10 to start with?

Now take off the top cube and practise the stem sentence “Nine is 1 less than ten”
Next, repeat with the 9 tower “Eight is 1 less than nine”
Repeat with “Seven is 1 less than eight”
“Six is 1 less than seven”
“Five is 1 less than six”
“Four is 1 less than five”
“Three is 1 less than four”
“Two is 1 less than three”
“One is 1 less than two”

If you take the last cube away, how many have you got now?

Now look at the slides below to answer questions about each number. Can you use practise using the words ‘1 less than / 1 more than’ to explain?

PE – Rolling!

How many different types of rolls do you know?

How would you make your body roll like an egg/pencil/dish/teddy?

Look at the pictures and practice each roll around the room or n the garden (perhaps your grown up could put a picnic rug down for you if it’s wet!).

Can you change roll correctly when your grown up calls it out? Keep those toes and fingers pointed just like a real gymnast!

Video Resources

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Story time with Mrs Mitchell – Owl Babies


Bye for now! Have fun today.