28 February 2025 Newsletter – Sad news of Graham Robins, as well as World Book Day and FOSM Easter Egg Hunt
Don’t forget….
- Year R and Year 6 Parents’ Evenings are next week on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th. Book yours here by 5:30pm today!
- World Book Day – at St Mark’s, we are celebrating and dressing up next Friday 7th March. See below for more details.
- Our FOSM Easter Egg Hunt is on Saturday 29th March at 2pm. Book your tickets here.
Have a great weekend, Mr Applegate :)
This Week's Homework & Learning
Sad news of Graham Robins
I’m very sorry to let you know that Graham Robins, a long-term friend and governor of St Mark’s, passed away peacefully on Thursday morning, with his family at his side. He had been unwell for sometime.
Graham was a remarkable man, and has given much of his time and effort freely to the St Mark’s community. His children attended the school when it opened over 25 years ago, and he quickly became involved as a parent governor, and later holding a variety of roles including Chair of Governors for many years.
Graham was totally invested in the local community. He was active within the church at St Mark’s and Immanuel, and supported a range of events including many that your children may have attended. He was often chatting to people around Hatch Warren and Beggarwood as he walked his beloved dogs!
As head teacher, I would like to pay a personal tribute to Graham. Not only did he appoint me in his role of Chair, but he has supported me throughout my time at St Mark’s. He was always checking in on myself and the team and providing advice and support in so many ways. He had an excellent understanding of school, and was able to see into the heart of things. He also knew people well, and could have personal conversations with so many. He took time and really cared for people.
In recent months, he was saddened not to be able to attend school events including the Christmas Performances and Services. He loved supporting these and saying hello to current and previous parents and children.
A few of us were able to see him at a hospice on Sunday, shortly before he passed away. Graham continued to speak of his love for the school community, and it was moving to hear. It’s not often we hear of someone giving so much, for so long, with such care, and in a volunteer capacity.
We are privileged and blessed to have known Graham. What a legacy he leaves in the heart of St Mark’s School, as well as an example to us all of kindness and wisdom and looking out for one another. Graham’s life challenges us to think about how we find opportunities to serve and care.
We will be in touch in due course regarding opportunities to celebrate and honour Graham in our school.
World Book Day – Friday 7th March
We will be celebrating World Book Day 2025 on Friday 7th March! (note this date is a day after the official world book day).
This year, we are again celebrating World Book Day with lots of fun at school. Children will have the opportunity to dress up, enjoy a special worship, swap a book, share a story and more…..
Dress Up: What can children come as?
We are asking children to come either as their favourite book character or as an exciting word or adjective!
Our aim is to keep things easy and as cheap as possible, but still have lots of fun!
What else is happening on the day?
📖 Book Swap – we would like every child to bring in an “old” book that they would like to give away. All children will be able to choose a “new” book from these donated books. We hope they will be excited to read their new book -it will be theirs to keep!
📖 Every child will receive a National Book Token. See below for more information:
⚠️Please note: although the official World Book Day is 6th March, at St Mark’s, we are having our dressing up day on Friday 7th March.
⭐ Weekly Achievements ⭐
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Our current attendance percentage is 96%.
Weekly Attendance by Class
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
In worship this week…
Music of the Week
Pachelbel: Canon in D
Pachelbel was a German composer who lived from 1653 – 1706. His music was from the Baroque era which comes before the classical period. In music, a canon is made by different instruments that plays the same music starting at different times. Can you hear it in this piece of music?