I don’t think Mrs woods or I have enough words to share with you, to tell you how incredibly proud we are of you all! You are all AGENTS OF CHANGE and we are lucky to have you at our school! Thank you!
A couple of extra special thanks – to Sophia, Rebecca and Chloe – considering you had one go at your added role, you looked like professionals on the stage! So proud!
We were very sad Thea, Sofia and Ella that you couldn’t be with us, but sure you were cheering us on!
You are our WINNERS!
We will be having an after party one Tuesday after school, date to be confirmed.
I hope many of Year 5 children will join me again next year?
Meanwhile, we wish Mrs Woods goodluck on the arrive of her baby as she enjoys a well earned rest and have a little video for you all to remember our day (usual password)!
Thank you!
Mrs Boyle
(Please remember not to share any photos or this video on any social media due to permissions)
9 February 2024 – Newsletter
A note from Mr Applegate
Remember, parents’ evening bookings open on 20th Feb – email has gone out today.
Monday’s Worship was led by our fantastic Wellbeing Champions. They launched this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week. They shared some key messages, helping children understand how their ‘voices matter’.
Thank you for supporting Safer Internet Day. Not had a chance to look at the family agreement? Download the KS1 and KS2 versions here.
Over 60 children performed at our guitar concert yesterday, led by Mr Macycock. They were great!
Good luck to our 80 DanceLive children who are performing at Portsmouth Guidhall on tonight :)
Enjoy the half-term! Mr Applegate
- PE days change after half-term. See the PE section below.
- Year 5 have Forest School in Spring 2.
- School returns Monday 19th Feb 2024.
FOSM makes a difference (again!)
Thanks to FOSM and your generosity, we’ve been able to purchase additional Chromebooks, new bikes for Year R and new table tennis bats for KS2. This will make a real difference to children, and we simply couldn’t do this without you. Thank you!
Nelson Mandela
Year 6 were inspired by Mandela, and Ellie wrote this in her own time. A great summary of aspects of his life. Click here to read it!
St Mark’s PhotoReel
PupilSafetyFirst Petition
We had over 600 signatures on our petition, which has now been submitted to Hampshire County Council. We’ll be presenting to the council in June when they take decicsions on funding. Many thanks for Cll Reid for his support and help, too.
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
⭐ Star Readers ⭐
⭐ Quiet Classes ⭐
1TM & 5E
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Our current attendance percentage is 96.2%. Oh no :(
Weekly Attendance by Class
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
In worship this week…
Music of the Week
Flower Drum Song from Feng Yan
This is a Chinese traditional folk tune originating in the Ming Dynasty. It is now a staple of the Chinese New Year “soundtrack.
Year 5 – Spring 1 Learning Update
Spring 1 Learning Update – Terrible Tudors
Made by Jack T and Braden – Class 5SP
This half term we have been learning about fractions, short multiplication, long multiplication and the short division method (bus stop method).
This half term we have been learning about Spy Master (a book by Jan Burchett and Sara Vogler) and then we wrote our own story of Spy Master. We would score this a 10/10 book and would definitely recommend you read it. After we finished that, we did a diary entry of a Tudor girl or a Tudor boy!
In PE, we did volleyball, which was very fun and a bit hard. We had to learn set shots, dig shots and one handed serves before playing some tournaments. We also did gymnastics which was a bit of a challenge but quite fun as we got to use lots of the benches and horses.
We did self portraits of ourselves and things around it that link to us because the Tudor monarchs loved portraits too. To do these, we used our own sets of sketching pencils from B-6B and applied lots of different sketching techniques. Miss Burgess also came in and did mono printing of King Henry VIII’s wives with 5SP.
In Computing, we did our own animations using Stop Animation software on ipads. We used playdough and plasticine to create animations that were tudor themed, which was very cool! We learned a new skill of onion skimming too. Ask your child what that means… it has nothing to do with actual onions!
In Science, we learned about reversible and irreversible changes. Our favourite experiment was then we put a fizzy tablets into different liquids, inside a film canister, to see which EXPLODED the fastest. We learned about how carbon dioxide was created and blew the lids off!
Horrible History!
In History, we have been learning about the Tudors and about King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. We’ve learned about King Henry VIII’s wives, looked at his portraits and learned about how he made his own religion. When learning about Queen Elizabeth I, we also looked at her portraits and why she ended up looking younger in them. She once had an artist put in prison for painting a portrait on her that she didn’t like! Can you believe that? We had to decide at the end who was the greatest Tudor monarch. Why not ask your child who they chose and why?
We have been learning about the weather and we are going to do a weather forecast in French!
We have been thinking about different colours while listening to music all linked to the Hindu Holi Festival of Colour.