15 November 2024 – Newsletter – Sibling Photographs, Parking, Toy Appeal and More
- The School Photographer is in on Monday for absentees and siblings. See below for details.
- Remember to drop off your FOSM Bags2School on Thursday 21st November. See below for drop-off locations.
- School Council Toy Project – details below – donations by Friday 29th November.
- Book now for Santa’s Grotto at our Christmas Fayre on Saturday 30th Nov. Click here!
Have a great weekend, Charles
Y6 PGL Residential
Year 6 have been INCREDIBLE on their PGL residential week in Osmington Bay. It’s our new favourite PGL centre with great staff, accomodation, activities, food and weather. The Year 6 childrens’ manners have been impeccable! Our own staff have put in everything to make it a really successful week. Thank you everyone.
Parking Issues
We’ve had lots of issues with parking recently, particularly where it is making roads and paths unsafe for those walking to school. The police, traffic wardens and PCSOs will be patrolling. Let’s make safe and legal decisions when parking. Parking on paths makes people walk on the road which could be dangerous. Thank you.
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
⭐ Star Readers ⭐
⭐ Quietest Classes ⭐
1BM, 3D, 5SP
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Our current attendance percentage is 97% 😊
Weekly Attendance by Class
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
In worship this week…
Music of the Week
Nocturne No.20 in C-Sharp Minor by Frederic Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Chopin was a Polish composer in the romantic period. All of his compositions involve the piano.
Red Riding Hood
The Parish of Basingstoke Down is delighted to offer you a family treat this festive season! We have invited Saltmine Theatre to bring their production of ‘Red Riding Hood’ to Hatch Warren Community Centre on Saturday 23rd November, 6-8pm. This modern-day twist on a classic fairy tale with a positive message about belonging is now open for booking. Do join us!
We are charging a small fee for tickets- £3 for individuals and £10 for a family of up to five. All of the money that we raise will be shared between the charities supported by St Mark’s School (in the case of St Mark’s it will go to the Mud House Foundation) and Kempshott Juniors (in the case of Kempshott Juniors it will go to the Lily Foundation). See you there!
Click here to buy your tickets!