21 June 2024 – Newsletter – also Summer Funday on Sat 29th June
A note from Mr Applegate
Well done to…
- Our children who sang, danced and performed at the Anvil this week in front of a full house. They were incredible and made us very proud!
- Our Year 4 dancers who performed at Brighton Hill on Thursday.
- Our Year 6 children who took part in a Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral on Wednesday.
- Summer Fun Day on Saturday 29th. Open 12-15:30. Inflatables, Games, Food, Entertainment and more!
- Raffle Ticket stubs and money (or un-sold tickets) returned ASAP (more available from the office)
- Friday 28th June – Non-uniform – bring something in for the tombola which can be unwanted Gifts, Small Toys (can’t be used) or bottles of alcohol. We can’t take perishable items or chocolate.
Have a great weekend. Mr Applegate :)
Interested in training to teach?
Find out more at a drop-in sessinon at St Mark’s on Friday 28th July, 2-4pm. Ask Tracy from South Farnham Educational Trust (SFET) any questions!
Heat Alert
Please see this information about looking after yourself in the hot weather.
Surviving the Sensory Challenges of Summer
Please see this information for practical tips and suggestions to help those experiencing sensory integration or sensory processing differences better manage the sensory challenges of Summer.
Well done George, Charlie and Ollie
St Mark’s PhotoReel
Every interaction is an intervention!
A view we hold dear at St Mark’s – and it’s true as a parent, too.
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
⭐ Star Readers ⭐
⭐ Quietest Classes ⭐
1M & 6F
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Our current attendance percentage is 96.0%. Oh no :(
Weekly Attendance by Class
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
In worship this week…
Music of the Week
Gabriel’s Oboe by Morricone
Gabriel’s Oboe” is the main theme for the 1986 film The Mission. The Soundtrack was written by Italian composer Ennio Morricone in 1986.