17 May 2024 – Newsletter – Wellbeing week and Sports Day details
A note from Mr Applegate
Our Year 6 pupils have been SUPERB this week as they have done their SATs. So calm, kind and hard working. We are so proud of them all. Thank you also to the adults that made it all happen- you are amazing :)
Next week, we look forward to Wellbeing Week and Sports Day! Full details in the red and green section below. Reminders-
- Don’t Forget… Monday – ‘Wear a colour for wellbeing.’ – They’ll be buckets on the gate for donations to help fundraise for the week.
- Mindfulness Market stall – Monday – Thursday at Lunchtimes – see timetable in the section below for your child’s year group will visit. All items 50p.
- Please can all children wear PE kit on the following days, as we are having Sports Day practice: Tuesday 21st May for Years R, 1, 2 and Wednesday 22nd May for Years 3, 4, 5, 6
- Sports Day is on Friday
Have a great weekend. Mr Applegate :)
Wellbeing Champions
During Wellbeing Week our Wellbeing Champions in years 4-6 will be greeting parents and students at the gates each day.
Walk to School Week
Next week is Wellbeing week at St. Mark’s. Alongside this, we are going to be having our Walk to School Week to help to promote being outdoors, spending time together and physical exercise. We hope that your children will be able to take part in some way- walking, scooting or cycling for all or part of their journey. Please see the letter that your child brought home for further information.
TOMORROW!!! DIY Help on Sat 18th May – can you help?
We really need 6 helpers to move 2 tonnes of sand from the front to the back, and also level out and compact 2 areas of our site with the sand. Wheelbarrows and spades would be helpful. 9am – 12pm Sat 18th May. Email adminoffice@st-markscofe.hants.sch.uk if you can help, or just show up! Children welcome to come with you.
Thankyou FOSM and Parents!
At their last meeting, FOSM agreed to use funds for the school to purchase:
- Forest school and farm resources on an annual basis
- New chromebooks (laptops), licenses and a trolley
- A new heavy-duty laminator.
Thank you so much – your time and generosity allows us to do the extras that our budget doesn’t allow :)
Support Mike and Aidan in their 100km walk
St Mark’s PhotoReel
Gabriel in 2B made it through to the finals of the Peter Houseman cup with his team, Berg U7s, last Sunday. Unfortunately, they lost in the finals, but he was super excited to have come runner up in his first year of football.
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
⭐ Star Readers ⭐
⭐ Quietest Classes ⭐
1BB & 6C, 6B, 6F
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Our current attendance percentage is 96.0%. Oh no :(
Weekly Attendance by Class
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
In worship this week… 
Music of the Week
Asturias by Albéniz
Isaac Albéniz was a Spanish pianist, composer and conductor. He composed this piece in 1892 during the Romantic era.